I have always loved you.

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“Good.” He kissed your cheek and opened the door to the dressing room, where you gasped at Charlie and (bff/n) making out. They quickly pulled apart once they spotted you and they both smiled like nothing had happened.

    “Too much Champagne Charlie?” You teased. Charlie only nodded sheepishly and your best friend stood up from the couch. Tom just cleared his throat and escorted everyone outside and into the car.

    “Alright, that is quite enough excitement for one day.” Tom said breaking the silence and dropping off Charlie back home. You looked at your Tom, he was tired. What a long day you both had. You looped your arm around his and laid your head on his shoulder. “How was your day, darling?” he asked sticking his face in your (h/c) hair.

    “It was lovely. I had a wonderful time, my dear.”

    “Are you happy?” he asked.

    “Elated. My dear Tom.” you looked up at his face and he kissed you, it felt as if his touch were charged with electricity.

    “That is good to hear, What say we do now?” Tom asked.

    “I don’t know, relax I guess. Relax until you get the call back.”

    “Do you think I will get it? Even though I’m about one step away from scandal.”

    “People love scandal, dear. It makes you more human.”

    “I suppose you are correct.”

The car had parked in front of the house and you all wandered tiredly through the door. “Goodnight you lovebirds, I’m going to bed.” your friend said as she climbed the stairs.

    You and Tom looked at each other for a moment and then he pulled you close in a hug. You buried your face in his chest and then all at once Tom had brought you down on the couch with him in a plop. You squealed in surprise and looked down at him, “You scared me to death.”

    “Nah, you’re still alive. If you weren’t I’d be sad.”

    “Aw, so would I my dear.” you laid a hand on his cheek.

    You brought your head down to the crook of his neck to rest it and he turned you over so that both of you were laying side by side, “What will tomorrow bring for us?”

    “Tomorrow is a normal day. I’ll have to take you out on a proper date this time. No friends attached. I want this beautiful creature to myself for once.”

    “You say so many sweet things my dear.” you looked down for a moment, avoiding his eyes.

    “What is it?” Tom asked.

    “I’ve never been talked to like that before…I’m not sure how to react to it.” you confessed.

    “Go with how it makes you feel, that is a true reaction.”

    “Okay.” you nodded to him. Tom looked at you with smiling eyes, “So?”

    “What?” You asked. Tom ran a hand through your hair.

    “Tell me how it makes you feel?”

You closed your eyes, enjoying his touch, “I can’t explain it.”

    “Sure you can, my dear.”

    “It makes me feel precious. As if I was meant to be held in careful hands so that I will not break.”

    “And so you shall be held with careful hands, (y/n). for you are precious.” he pulled you as close as he could and wrapped you in his arms as tight as he could without crushing you. “You are my rare and precious, unearthly thing. I shall protect you. I promise.”

HiddlestonxReader: Maid to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now