Tom's Home

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“Excuse me miss, we are here. Wake up.” The flight attendant nudged you and you opened your eyes. “We are here Ma’m.”
    “Thank you.” You stood from your seat and hobbled away half awake to the baggage carrier. You rolled your three suitcases down to the terminal where you saw your name on a sign. The woman holding it had dark brown hair and pale skin with a black pant suit. “Are you (fn/ln)?”
    “Yes that is me. It is nice to meet you.” you shook the lady’s hand.
    “And you as well, come with me and I’ll tell you everything in the car.”
    “Alright.” You followed the woman and she led you to a slick black car. She helped you load your bags into the trunk and you both took off down the road. London was such a busy town and it was exactly like it was in the pictures. It was such a lovely place to sit back and admire as it passed you by in the car.
    “I apologize for being so discreet on the phone, I am Keely Andrews. It is nice to meet you (y/n).”
    “You too. Thank you for the opportunity.”
    “You will be working for Tom Hiddleston. He has a town house and you will be staying in the upstairs apartment.”
    “Got it.”
    “Tom likes his morning paper with his tea at seven am. Sharp. It is only expected of you to make breakfast for he is out most of the time on jobs. You are to make the bed and tidy up the rooms and if he is in the house with you at any time, you must do what he says exactly.”
    “I completely understand.” You couldn’t breathe. Tom Hiddleston? The hot Loki villain from all of those action movies. Were you dreaming?
    “There will be a list of groceries every week on the fridge along with the stores that you have to buy them from and on a personal note, steer clear of his girlfriend, she can be quite rude.”
    “I see. Is there anything else I should know?”
    “Yes, I am an agent for multiple celebrities. So if Tom allows, you might have to drive him around and make sure he gets to set on time. I can only see Tom one week every month.”
    “Okay.” You didn’t exactly know what to say. “Isn’t he finishing up Crimson Peak?”
    “Yes,” Keely looked at you suspiciously. “I take it you are a fan?” She asked. Your eyes widened a bit but you shrugged it off, “I know of him.” you smiled.
    “Alright. We are here.” You both stepped out and shuffled inside. It was a house with an upstairs apartment inside. You almost gasped when you saw the room, the color of the walls and the full bookshelves took your breath away, “This is my place?”
    “Yes, Tom picked out the color and everything. He likes his employees to be as comfortable as possible.”
    “That is so extremely nice of him.”
    “That is the way he is. He never stops being nice.” Keely smiled. “You have a bathroom and the kitchen is quite small but I don’t think that will be a problem since it is only you here.”
    “No it isn’t a problem. Tell him thank you. The room is beautiful.” you said scanning the room once more to see if it was real.
    “I will do that. He should be home this evening if he doesn’t have any other engagements. I will let you get settled and then you must get to work.”
    “Alright. Fantastic.” You were beaming when Keely left the room. What an astonishing generous man he was!

   You looked around the room, it was full of books and beautiful things. You plopped on the teal sofa and exhaled in utter joy, you made it. You made it to London and you have a new home of your own. You sat there a while admiring the silence and the wonderful clean air rid of man stink from your former room mate.
    “I’m a girl in heaven.” you said to yourself. You stood up to explore your new apartment, you walked out onto the balcony looking down at the beautiful town street below. It had a wooden floor and two lay out chairs in front of a whicker table along with cushions that sat near a little heater to warm the place on those cold nights.
    “Hello there.” you looked down to see what was rubbing against your leg. It was a black cat with incandescent green eyes. You stooped down to look at the tiny feline. “What brings you here?” The cutie just chirped up into a purr and nuzzled you again, “You don’t have a home do you?” the ebony creature just looked up at you with curious eyes.
    “Alright, but I have to get an okay from the boss first. What shall I name you?” you stared at him for a moment, knowing that the name you had in mind fit him perfectly, “Loki it is then. I think I just made a new friend.” you patted the cat on the head and stepped back inside to explore a little more. Your bedroom was small but oh, so pretty. Sage green closet doors, a rot iron bed frame and a crisp white quilt. The walls of slate grey paint made the room look fresh and new.
    The bathroom was a small room with light blue walls and a tiled shower. Across from the living room was the tiny kitchenette that Keely had warned you about. You didn’t mind, the rest of the place was exquisite. You started unpacking and putting your books with the rest of the ones on your bookshelf. You decided just to unpack one suitcase since you had to get started on Tom’s apartment downstairs.
    You happily trotted down to the door that led to his house. You opened the door and almost frowned at the state of the house before you, there were clothes everywhere and dirty dishes scattered about the living room. It couldn’t have been Tom who made such a mess, he was on his way home from Toronto. You looked down at the clothes on the floor, bras and skirts among other women’s clothing, his girlfriend lived with him.
    “Who are you?” a blonde woman stepped into the living room, she wore a lacy turquoise dress and red lips, Taylor Swift? You stammered a moment, “I am (y/n). I am the new maid here. It is nice to meet you Miss Swift.”
    “Yeah, whatever. Its about time you got here, Tom will be here tonight, hop to it.” Taylor gave you a scowl and left the room. Wow, she really was bitchy. Maybe the tabloids were right. You shook your head and started picking up the clothes and placing them in a hamper once you found the laundry room and the dishes once you stumbled onto the kitchen. You were pleased he had a dishwasher, you counted yourself blessed. After all of those years washing dishes by hand, you finally get a little break.
    Taylor kept away from you, at times she would come in and scowl at you or mutter something unkind under her breath but you ignored it. You went along with your routine, making the bed and vacuuming the floors. Poor Tom, you hoped you could finish in time before he showed up.
    Once the house was clean, you knocked on the door frame of Tom’s bedroom, where Taylor had decided to stay while you did your job. she looked up at you and winced, “Ew, what do you want?”
    “Uhm, I am about to get food from the grocery list, is there anything that you want me to pick up?” you said sweetly despite how much you wanted to flip her off.
    “No. now go away.”
    “I’ll be back in an hour.” you couldn’t have been more happy to step out of that house, away from that blonde demon. “What in the world is up that woman’s butt?”

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