Call me Tom.

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You looked down at the list and the map that Keely had given you to find your way around. Only three different places were scribbled on the paper and about ten items for each place. The Broadway Market was first on your list, it was walking distance so you didn’t mind taking in the beautiful sights on the spring day.

    You turned the corner and looked at the place, it was exactly what you expected, a market on a street corner. Tom had listed the fresh fruit he needed, a few gala apples, bananas, oranges and black cherries. He listed a couple loaves of Italian baked bread and fresh cheese as well had to be placed in your bag. You had to hail a taxi for the next two markets on your list.

    You stopped by Covent Garden and Camden Market to buy the meat, chicken and perch fish and the fresh vegetables and three different bags of rice. When you finally got back to the house, you stumbled through the door with your arms full of groceries. It was eight now and you hoped Tom wasn’t home yet to see you make a fool of yourself trying not to drop his food on the floor.

    You made it to the counter and set down all ten bags. You leaned over the counter and huffed from exhaustion, “You look like you have been working hard.”

    you heard a voice behind you and you spun around, “AH!” you fell to the floor startled.

    “I’m awfully sorry.” Tom said trying not to laugh at your reaction. He wore a brown tweed jacket and a black shirt and pants. His eyes looked like two frozen raindrops and those cheekbones were enough to make you swoon!

    “T-that is quite alright. I just didn’t see you is all.” you stuttered out. He smiled. OH GOD! Don’t smile, it would be the death of you! He offered his hand and helped you up from the floor. “What is your name?” he asked.

    “(fn/ln).” You blushed. “Uh…Thank you for preparing the apartment upstairs. Its very beautiful.”

    “You are most welcome. I’m glad it is to your liking.” Tom started to empty the bags on the counter and you protested, “Oh, I can take care of this, Sir. Don’t worry yourself.”

    “Nonsense, you worked yourself to death by the looks of it.” he said observing your messed up hair and sweaty exhausted face. “I think you have done enough. Have a good night, (y/n).”

    “Are you sure? Do you need me for anything else, to cook?” Tom laughed a little and shook his head.

    “Not at all. You have had a hard day, not to mention the jet lag I see all over your face. Go home and relax. Enjoy the rest of the night.”

    “Yes Sir. Thank you.” you said awkwardly.

    “Call me Tom. I’m not old enough yet to be called Sir.” he smiled at you and you nodded quite fast not knowing what else to say, “Smile.” he said looking at you with a cute little smirk. A bashful smile grew upon your face, “Good night Tom.”

    “Good night. I’ll see you in the morning.”

    You opened the door to the stairwell and ran up the steps and opened the door to your new home once again. Oh Lord, you wanted to scream. But of course you were right above him so you stuffed your face in a nearby pillow on the couch and wailed out a scream into it.    

    It was getting late and so you decided to take Tom’s advice and relax, you ran a bath hot enough to sting your skin just a little. You felt like a rug being unraveled by one thread. All tension disappeared into the water.

    Once you pruned long enough, you wrapped yourself in your robe and stepped out on the balcony, Loki purring on the lay out chair next to you. “A new life in a new place with a really sweet boss…What more could a girl want?”

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