I lost my Boss.

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The next morning, you woke up properly this time and on time. You dressed and traveled down the steps to see Tom in his silk black house coat and slippers, You blushed a little. You wouldn’t admit it in a million years that he looked adorable in his pajamas.

    “Good morning, Tom.”

    “Good morning, (y/n).”

    “Excuse me? Did this scruffy little creature just call you Tom.” Taylor caught wind of your reply as she stepped into the living room, “That is my first name, Taylor.” Tom replied.

    “Tom has instructed me to call him by his first name, madam.” You said politely. Taylor fumed and turned to Tom.

    “If she starts telling the press that she is your best friend, it wont be my fault.”

    “Excuse me. Miss, but I understand the rules of propriety and professionalism in my line of work. That is something you wont have to worry about.”

    “Was I talking to you, janitor?”

Really? She couldn’t have thought of a better insult? You shook your head and walked into the kitchen to start Tom’s breakfast, “Anything special today you would like for breakfast, Sir?”

    “No. Just egg in a basket please.” Tom said sitting down.

    “And anything for you Miss?” you asked Taylor.

She thought a moment, “Yes, an egg white omelet with chives, tomatoes and olives. Soaked in olive oil with a extra thin cinnamon crepe.”

    “I’ll get right on it, madam.” You knew what she was doing, she wanted you to mess up her request so she could have something to yell about. You finished Tom’s toast and set it on a plate and made his Earl Grey tea with milk. You set Taylor’s plate down in front of her and opened the front door before she could make a remark on the food. You grabbed his paper and set it next to him, “This is fantastic, (y/n).”

    “Thank you sir. How is your breakfast, Miss?”

    “…Its okay.” Taylor, in truth didn’t have any thing to remark about the food. It was good.

    You gave her a smile and left to continue your routine for the day, “What is your deal?” Taylor came into the bedroom while you were changing the bedding.

    “I am afraid I have no idea what you are talking about.” you replied to her. Taylor narrowed her eyes and scowled.

    “I don’t like you, (your name mispronounced).”

    “I have noticed, Miss. But I intend to do my job properly despite the tension in the house.”

    “You think this is tension? I’ll give you tension. There is only room for one woman in this house.”

    “Well, madam. If you have not noticed, I live upstairs in my own house. In my opinion, you are the only woman in Tom’s apartment.”

    “You honestly think I don’t know what you are doing?”

    “I don’t have a hidden agenda like you think I do Miss.” You dropped the sheets from his bed and met her angry cat eyes, “Look at you. Hair a mess, sweaty brow and dirty hands. You are just a stinking little fan who can only have Tom’s shadow to cast over you. You can only be a lowly maid…I’ll make sure of it.”

    “Do you honestly think I am going to steal Tom Hiddleston away from you?” you asked in disbelief. This woman was insane and you weren’t going to have your respectability tarnished by whatever this woman spat out at you.

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