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Billie and I walk off of the tour bus and first I'm hit with the blinding glare of the sun then blazing heat. Once my eyes fully adjust I'm mesmerized by the beautiful desert and red mountain terrain. Her two guards are waiting outside of the bus.

We are parked in a huge parking lot and there are several other mobile homes. Across the lot lies a diner and gas station.

"Fuck it's hot." Billie moans

"Yes, but it's so beautiful." I cheer

"It is beautiful but it feels like satans arm pits." She laughs

We make it to the small diner, Maggie is sitting at a table with the guy from earlier and a younger guy.

"BILLIE!" I jump when I hear a scream and then another after another. "OMG ITS BILLIE! I LOVE YOU!"

Fans are now surrounding us. The guards do their job but Billie walks over to the group to give out hugs and speak to them. I watch from a distance, she's such a kind human.

I noticed that some of the girls were even crying and I watch while Billie tries to cheer them up. How does she do it? I think I'd lose my sanity around mass groups of people pulling and screaming for me. I know for a fact that I would. It gets my anxiety high just witnessing it.

"Malina." I look over at the table and Maggie is calling me over.

I make my way to the table and she offers me a seat next to the guy that looks my age. I say hello and take my seat.

"Meet my husband Patrick and son Finneas. This is Billies new teacher Malina."

"Yo Malina." The younger guy speaks first

"Hello." I smile

"Nice to meet ya, Malina... Good luck you got your hands full." Patrick chuckles

I smile at his comment, trying not to be rude. I couldn't help that my attention was being taking over by the crowd around Billie.

"Don't worry sweetie you'll get use to it... they are about to shut the diner down to the public for a hour or so, so that Billie can eat."

"Oh." Was all that I could manage to get out...

I think to myself that I must sound rude and hurry to say something else behind it.

"She's really great with her fans."

"My Billie loves her supporters." Maggie responds "they're like friends to her."

About 20 minutes laters the security guards cleared the diner. Billie made her way over to the table taking a seat between her mother and father. She sits directly in front of me. The two guards sit at both ends of the table.

"I'm so fucking hungry!" She grumbles "hello mother, father, brother, teacher, and team... I need to eat before I pass the fuck out."

"Billie you're always hungry." Her brother states

"What can I get you guys today?, let me guess Billie you'll have your regular?" A older waitress asks

"Mrs.Jean you know me." Billie smiles

"Of course, you're all my grandchildren ever talk about."

"Aww I love them."

"And they love you dear.... What can I get for you Maggie?"

"I'll take the triple hot cake breakfast."

"Okay and would you like your coffee with almond milk?"

"Yes Mam."

"And for you Patty?"

"Steak and eggs... coffee black and a side of cider."

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