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I wake up to the smell of pancakes. I sit up and look around, it takes a few moments for my mind to register that I'm in Billies bedroom. I immediately crawl from beneath the covers and run to the room across the hall to find my daughter. I'm in a panicked frenzy. She should have ate by now.

Why hasn't she cried for me yet?

She isn't in the room, I run down the stairs calling out for my daughter. I go to the kitchen and she's sitting in her high chair eating. I look at Bil. She drops the spatula and rushes to my side.

"Are you okay my love?"

"No..." I blurt, tears swelling in my eyes.

"Come here, talk to me Malina." She pulls me to the family room.

"You scared me, I couldn't find Mariquita... I thought- I thought she was mis- missing." I breathe trying not to have an panic attack.

"I'm so sorry beautiful, I didn't mean to scare you." She kisses my tears away. "You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you up."

"Its okay, I'm not use to having anyone help me with Mari." I cuddle up in her embrace.

"I got you baby, I love you so much." She holds me tightly


Mari breaks up our affection. We both smile at each other as we go back to the kitchen. As soon as Mari sees that she has my attention, she reaches for me. I pick her up and give her kisses.

She shakes her head giggling and laughing.

"Baby bug and I made you breakfast my luv." Billies sits a plate full of pancakes on the table.

"Aww thank you babybug." I kiss Maris cheek....

I walk over to Bil, placing a soft kiss to her lips.

"Thank you daddy."

I feel Maris hand squeezing at my boob. I look down and notice I'm lactating.

"Baby can you please hold Mari?"

"Of course, love." She lifts her from my arms

"She wants milk and I- I didn't bring my pump... I'm sorry... I can feed her elsewhere" I exhale

"Its okay, I dont mind... its natural Malina... stop apologizing, there is no need to." She speaks softly.

"You feed Mari and I'll finish up breakfast, beautiful."

"Thank you." I respond heading to the bedroom where I'd feel most comfortable.

Ten minutes into feeding Mar, I hear another voice besides Bil. I cover myself and tip toe near the steps holding Mari. My heart stops when I realize that its Maggie. I scurry back to the bedroom and cover myself fully.

Why is she here?

I hear footsteps coming up the steps. If Maggie yells at me while I'm holding my child, I can't say that I would be respectful towards her. I jump when I hear someone's voice and its Billie.

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