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Tzyuzu 'S pov
(4 months later)
I glanced at my calender briefly. It was the 22 of June, 9 months without JUNGKOOK. That name was enough to send chills down my back. Slowly I walked over to the toilet and checked. Still no blood. For the last two months I haven't been bleeding. I was starting to get scared. I tiptoed out of my room and into Jin hyungs room. I cautiously scurried to his bathroom,praying that he wasn't there. The gods were on my side. He seemed to be out or more likey, juding from the noises next door, fucking rm hyung. I snatched the pregnancy test kit from his cupboard. What he was doing with a pregnancy kit I had no idea, I didn't want to know. I ran back to my room and made a beeline to my toilet. With shake hands I did what I had to do and waited for the results. The lines appeared. I dropped the kit in suprise. I checked the instructions just to make sure. I ran to my shelf. I was desperate. I read quietely to myself from an old science textbook. "it takes 9 months for a baby to develop.... (yes I actually do remember this info no I didn't check google geez) " me and v only fucked 4 months ago that's the earliest....unless. the memories flooded back to me. Silky white satin sheets, whispering and a gorgeous night sky. The truth stuck me like a brick( try using all these expressions in your next composition tell me how it went ;-)) .I was pregnant with jeon JUNGKOOK'S child .
271 words wow I'm on a roll :)))) anyway I hope y'all are still enjoying this story. Just asking are any of u an ATINY??? If so DID YOU WATCH WAVE IT WAS SO GOOd SJSKKSKSKSKKS
- daughteroffreya

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