Initiation Shenanigans

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"Are you ready to do this thing Rubes?" Yang asked excitedly getting her stuff from her locker.

"Yep! No more awkward small talk or getting to know you. Just me and my sweetheart." She responded.

"You know you aren't the only one going through initiation right? We all are gonna be doing our best to perform well. Besides what about teams and partners?"

"I don't know I hadn't really thought of that…" Ruby admitted with a frown. 'I wonder how partners will be picked.' She thought to herself.

Yang was somewhat confused at Ruby's silence, but just shrugged it off and walked out to the cliffs with Ruby behind her.

When they arrived, and Ruby had still yet to speak Yang decided to ask. "What's up Rubes you worried about teams and partners?"

"What? No I was wondering how Itachi and KIsame became partners." 'They seem so different yet they are friends I can't imagine how they became partners.' Ruby thought to herself with a small smile.

"You're still thinking about them?!" Yang asked. "Ruby I told you those guys were bad news."

"My dear sister Yang did you not tell me yesterday that I could trust them? You weren't lying to me were you?" Ruby asked narrowing her eyes.

"No uh just because you trust them doesn't mean that you need to be around or thinking of them constantly." Yang answered looking to the side.

"I don't think of them constantly one thought just led to another and it got to them." Ruby said crossing her arms.

Their little argument was cut short by Ozpin getting everyone's attention.

"Today you all will be dropped into the Emerald Forest and make your way north to find a set of ruins housing relics. You and your partner will retrieve this relic and bring it back." He said to the group before Glynda took over.

"Partners will be decided today in the forest. The first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years." She said causing Ruby and a few others to wince.

'Oh this should be fun.' She thought sarcastically.

"There are cameras in the forest to record the progress of all of you, but the faculty will not intervene, so do not hesitate to destroy anything in your path." Ozpin said to the group.

With Kisame and Itachi

"What an interesting way to decide partners." Kisame mused from the spot they were hiding in.

"It doesn't seem very efficient unless they get dropped in certain places." Itachi added.

"Judging by the launchpads they're standing on this might not be as random as they think." Kisame said.

"We'll have to wait until they're launched to know for sure." Itachi said looking over the group of initiates.

"A lot simpler than our academies aren't they." Kisame said more than asked.

"Different world and different enemies, so it makes sense that this is more lax compared to what we went through." Itachi said in agreement.

"Regardless even this doesn't seem very difficult." Kisame said with a frown.

"They aren't ninja Kisame just looking at this group I can already tell that without intervention several won't survive." Itachi said looking to his partner.

"You're right not many stand out, and even the ones that do don't seem very promising." Kisame agreed before pausing. "Hey Itachi… what do you say we liven this up a bit?"

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