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Author: hoshiedits

A beautiful evening, as Jinhee breathed in the cold winter air. She was sitting on her balcony, looking at the beautiful stars from above.

Jinhee suddenly felt a nudge on her shoulder, but she turned around to nothing. But when she looked back, there was a boy that looked younger than her infront of her.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me!"

He giggled and waved at her. "Hello. I'm Jeongin. Yang Jeongin."

"Oh. Hello, I'm Jinhee." She bowed at him.

She suddenly blacked out. She opened her eyes, and ended up being in her bed.

She put her hand on her forehead. It was a dream?

She got out of bed and put on her skirt and blazer. She then brushed her hair and put a light layer of make up on.

After her preparations, she finally grabbed her phone from charging. It was currently 6:30 in the morning.

"Phew. I have half an hour left."

She lived near school, so she decided to visit a coffee shop near the school.

"I'll grab a cup of coffee and go to school. That should be enough time."

She was walking along the sidewalk and saw a boy trailing her. "Why are you following me?" She asked.

"Oh, do you go to Gwangju High School?"

She looked closer at the boy, and she suddenly remembered. It was the boy from her dreams.

"Oh yeah. What's your name?"

"Yang Jeongin."

More might come soon from the author!

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