Why Did Woochan Breakup?

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Author: LinYuBear

Chan came home to see Minho and Jisung with a cake. Or rather, a flat piece of whipped cream on a broken paper plate, where there are some ketchup on Jisung's fluffy hair and some on Minho's clothes.

"Happy birthday Chan-hyung!!"

"What the heck, my birthday is in october.."

The two obviously made the kitchen a mess and tried to ask Chan to help them clean up, by using the "cake" as an excuse.

"Put the plate aside, i'll deal with it later"

Chan just decided to put down his bag first-

"Stan Got7 you coward!"

"Stan Day6 you coward!"

"What in the world are you two doing?"

Hyunjin and Seungmin were fighting over Jeongin.

"How can he be nice to jeongin when he doesn't stan Got7!?"

"How can he be nice to Jeongin when he doesn't stan Day6!?"

Chan didn't want to deal with this fight (between fandoms), he had work to do so he tried taking out his laptop, only to be soaked with water from behind him.

"HUH? What the-"

"Oops, sorry!"

Chan turned around to see Felix with a water bottle in his hand.

"I was practicing hardcore for a while. I'm shaking I couldn't close the lid for the water bottle properly. Sorry~"

"Did the bottle break?" Changbin mentions concerned about the bottle more than Felix.

Chan had no choice but to wipe the floor, clean the kitchen and settle fandom fights before he can start his work. Sad life he lives 😭.

"Why did we have kids again?" Chan asks himself. "I can't do everything by myself. Guess I'm calling someone for help."


"Hmm, this time it is more savory than two hours ago. A bit less crispy and the coke needs more ice."

It was 11:00PM. Woojin is the only customer in KFC. On his third hour he is still on the same seat, and was his eighth drumstick of the day.

"Why do i love eating these so much? It's just too delicious. No one can change my mind."

Incoming call from Chan
accept / decline

"Now of all times? If i wasn't dating him he would be dead by now smh." Woojin answers the phone L

"Woojin-ah, can you help me out? the kids are going craz, and the dorm is a mess right now. Can you do me a favour and come back quickly please?"

"What? No i can't come back now!"


"Erm, I'm in kfc right n-"

"What? You're in kfc? Then why can't you come back with takeout?"

"I just started eating!"


"No! it will be cold if I bring it back!"

"NONSENSE! Do you love me or the chicken?"


"We're over."

Chan ended the call, and Woojin sits in his seat proudly, not regretting his decision.

"I love you chicken. My one and only." Woojin hugs the chicken with all his might.

More might be coming from the author soon!

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