Nature Calls (4)

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by: @CheetahJem

Jisung POV

We decided to go to my house since I lived alone. We walked to the parking lot and got into my red Jeep. I started the engine and off we went.

 About 15 minutes later we had arrived. I unlocked the door and I invited him inside. Chan sat down on the plush couch I had in the living room. I went into the kitchen to make us something to eat.

 I looked in the fridge, and saw some already cooked chicken. I threw some into the air fryer for 10 minutes.

 When the chicken finished cooking, I put it on a plate and took it out to where Chan was sitting.

 Chan looked nervous and his toe kept tapping. What astounded me even more was when he started bawling when I placed the chicken on the little table in front of him.

 "Are you ok?" I asked with good intentions then I realized that, that was obviously not the right question to ask. He didn't look the least bit ok. 

 "No," Chan answered still in tears. "Chicken.... it's his favorite..."


 " Yeah. Chicken."

 I went over and gave Chan a hug. I hardly knew him, but when someone looks like they need a hug, you give them a hug.

 "Wanna tell me about it?"

 Chan looked up at me, his face still streaked with tears, and nodded.

Minho's POV

 After school I planned to go home to my nice warm bed. Lunch had been extremely eventful seeing as to how carefree they were.

 They were playing games at the lunch table with actual board games. They yelled and screamed. It seemed as if they were children in their own little world.

 To be honest I doubt that I would stay so quiet for long, especially with friends like them.

 I sighed crossed the road. I had so much on my mind right now. I finally had some friends. 

 After a few minutes I finally arrived home, changed into my pjs, and was whisked off to a fitful sleep.

Jisung POV

 Chan told his story about Mr. Woojin and their secret love affair. He had heard some people saying bad things about Woojin behind his back and had the smart idea of fighting them.

 Of course you would want to fight for the person you love, but it still has its consequences.

 "Then when everyone was gone I tried to get my way with him," Chan said frustrated. "He was all like, 'You're still a kid, when you get older then it's a maybe.'"

 "I mean, he has a point," I said slowly. "You are only in high school."

 "I know. It's just that we are almost the same age and just because he's a teacher doesn't mean anything," Chan replies. "It has me all messed up in the head. I'm going crazy for him. I can't help how I feel."

 "I TOTALLY GET IT," I exclaimed. Whoops. "Is there something you wanna talk about?" Chan asked. I was screwed. 

 "Nope. Not one bit," I replied. I was going to take this to my grave unless I actually get together with Minho which is unlikely.

 "I don't believe you."

 "I'm being serious. There is nothing to talk about," I say defensively.

 "Then let me see your phone." 

 I give him my phone and the password. I regret it immediately remembering the many pictures I had taken of Minho in the library. 

 "You know," Chan says. " You would be a good photographer. From the angle to the lighting. Hard to believe this is the library. How long have you liked Minho?"

 "Since freshman year," I mumble.

"Wow"(Pun intended)

 "I know where he eats, what he eats, if he's ever skipped any classes, and I've also cataloged anything unusual I've seen him do which is not a lot but there's some stuff I found out," I sigh. "When I confront him I wanna be able to give off a good impression you know."

 Chan gave me the weirdest look before saying.

 "I'll help you."

 "Really," I exclaim. "That would mean so much to me! Thank you! Thank you!" 

 "But.... in return you need to help me." 

 "Of course," I say. "Whatever you need."

more coming from the author soon!

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