Nature Calls (1)

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Author: CheetahJem

Minho POV

I was looking around the forest. I had to constantly remind myself that this was a dream and nothing more. But it all seems too real... I thought to myself as I pushed passed some bushes. I had been having this dream for weeks now and I would never forget how each one went. Once I'd been hit by a boulder and another I got bit by a snake... As I continued walking I passed trees and flowers and several other objects found in nature.

Then it happened... I tripped. When I got up I was in my room again. Apparently I had fallen off my bed. I made my bed then got ready for school.

When I walked out the door I waved good-bye and said a quick, "I love you" to both of my parents. When I arrived at the school I did the same thing I did everyday. I took notes, studied, and are my lunch at the library. Same old same old. Forever alone. I don't have many friends, but I don't really need anything since books are always there to keep me busy.

After lunch I go through my afternoon classes then I go home. I do my homework, eat dinner, watch a movie with my parents then get ready to go to bed. About 20 minutes later my things are set out and ready for school tomorrow, I packed my lunch, and I'm sleeping. Then awake to a whole other world.

Jisung POV

Lunch time earlier that day:

I looked across the library and saw how the sunlight made Minho's face look soft and his lips... I shook my head getting the thought out. I was standing behind a bookcase poking my head out looking like a stalker. I needed to stop, but how could I? He just looked so peaceful and unaware. It's not like he was going to look up. My phone vibrated and I checked my screen.

Felix: Hey! You good?

I did a double take. What's with Felix's grammar?

Squirrel: yea. Hbu?

Felix: What does "Hbu?" stand for again? I know it's an acronym, but I just can't get my finger on it.


I started to do some weird pacing thing from the beginning of the line of bookcases to the end.


Felix: Are you ok?

Squirrel: does it sound like it?

Felix: No...

That's when I gave up trying. I blocked him. I swear Felix couldn't get anymore weirder. Well, then again it's Felix so you never know.

I went back to looking at Minho in his peaceful state while eating his lunch and then I see that he's gone. DAMMIT! I wasting 5 minutes that could've been used for better things such as watching Minho but Felix had to be Felix. DAMN YOU FELIX!

The bell rang and I ran to class. Maybe I'll talk to Minho tomorrow during lunch. Tomorrow! TOMORROW! I squealed in excitement for the upcoming confrontation. My love, I'm coming.

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