Nature Calls (3)

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Author: CheetahJem

Jisung POV

I couldn't believe it. Chris Bang also known as Bang Chan was in detention. The try-hard in sports, the straight A student, and teachers pet. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if he was here to watch over us "Troubled students", but judging from the bruises and small cuts on his face he was here for the same reason the rest of us were. He was in trouble.


"Yes, teacher," I mumbled then sat down next to Chan. He looked over his shoulder at the teacher then looked back at his reflection sheet with a sad expression. Was there something going on between them. I decided to shake my head and revert myself from thinking of such things. I looked at my reflection sheet and wondered why this was even necessary. It's not gonna stop me from running in the hallways again or skipping class.

I sighed and completed the sheet. Half of my answers were just plain bullsh*t but regardless it got the job done since Mr. Woojin had a pleased expression when I turned it in and let me leave. By then though the bell was about to ring to indicate the end of school.

I decided to wait outside a bit until Chan came out so we could talk. I needed to find out the tea.

About five minutes later, Chan came out looking even more disheveled then he did beforehand.

"Hey," I greeted him then introduced myself. "I'm Jisung or you could call me Han. I would be fine with whatever."

"Hello Han. I'm Chris Bang from Class 9," he replied. "Do you need something?"

"In fact, I do!" I say beaming.

"Then what is it..." he asked with a look that said that, he already regretted asking.

"Well, do you mind telling me what happened?" I ask. "I mean, you look even more disheveled than you did before when I entered the 'detention center'." I used finger quotes on detention center. Chan's lip curled up just a teensy bit.

"Alright," he said. "Let's go somewhere where we don't look suspicious, and promise me that when I tell you, you'll keep your mouth shut about it."

"I promise to not tell anyone," I said and held out my pinky and he held out his.

I can't back out now. I could lose a finger...

Minho POV

It was going to be a two hour early dismissal today because of a meeting the teachers would have about the seniors and their unruly acts. I mean it's pointless to be honest because not all seniors participate in this foolishness which includes me.

I entered the school and was immediately approached by a boy that looked to be in their sophomore year.

"Hi. I'm Jeongin. Do you mind if we talk in private?" he asked. This boy had some nerve but there was only 7 minutes until class, so I guess I had some time to spare.

"Sure," I replied. What was I getting myself into?

"Alright, follow me," Jeongin instructed.

I followed him to a door on the second floor and when he opened it, he gestured me inside then closed the door behind him.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" I ask.

"Ummmmm, Well it's hard to explain," the boy replied looking down at his feet.

"Can you make it quick please?" I urged. "Class starts in 5 minutes and I don't want to be late."

Jeongin looked up at me. He was so adorable!

"My friends and I always walk by the library and see you sitting there all lonely," he started. "So, we wanted to ask if we could all sit together or maybe you could sit with us. I mean if you don't want to it's fine, but seeing you so lonely... I don't know... we just want to be your friends."

I stood there for a moment looking back on how many times I thought I was worthless, how many times I thought that no one noticed me, yet there were people that did.

"I accept your offer," I say.

Jeongin's smile was so bright that I almost had to shield my eyes.

"Today then?" he asked, still smiling.

"Today," I replied.

More coming soon from the Author!

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