Chaos Pursues

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First period hadn't even started yet and there was already a fight pursuing. Becca and I are standing in the doorway as we watch two guys tackling and punching each other. Tables and chairs were being scattered as the boys continue to pummel each other.

"Isn't that Micah?" Becca asks. Micah, my ex-boyfriend Micah. 

I still can't tell who the other but is, but he seems to be winning. All I can tell is that he has short, brown hair, the color of a chestnut. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt and grey skinny jeans with black leather converse. 

Blood is flying everywhere when we hear a booming voice. 

"What on Earth is going on here" yelled Mrs. Peterson who is with the principal Mr Brookes. 

The boys, with the mystery boy on top of Max, stop fighting. They slowly separate and start to wipe of the blood. 

"Oh My God," I whisper, "It's Peter." Becca and I look at each other slowly ans then back and the scene going on in front of us. 

Peter. Where do I begin to explain who Peter is. We were close when we were in grade school, but I guess we just drifted apart. He's always been on the edgier side but he's never gone this far. 

"Why would Peter fight Micah?" Becca questions as the boys are beginning to be escorted out. 

When Peter passes by us, he stops and simply says, "You're welcome."

He leaves me and Becca in shock. Not to mention the rest of the class who had seen the whole scenario. Nobody has moved. We are all to scared to. When we are scared out of silence by a loud voice. 

"Well, this mess isn't going to clean itself up," Mrs. Peterson yells, "Somebody get a mop and move these tables back to where they need to be."

Everyone begins to shuffle around the room and to as they were told just as some kid comes in with a bucket and a mop. 

Soon, it doesn't even seem like there was a fight to begin with. 

Next thing I know the bell is ringing and class is beginning. 

The Story After the EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora