Meeting Mom

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I'm sitting in my room feeling nothing but hate, not hate towards Becca, but towards me. What makes me so bad that my best friend wouldn't care if she lost me. Am I really that expendable. It makes me feel very unloved and helpless.

Peter and I are sitting in my living room on the coach holding hands with me lying on his side in complete silence. It feels right though, despite everything that just happened. 

"Are you okay?" Peter asks, "I know she is or was I don't know your best friend."

"I honestly don't know how I'm doing, she was there for me through everything yet she throws me away for some girl she's been with for a couple months, and now I just feel so much and nothing at the same time," I answer truthfully and wholeheartedly. 

"It's gonna be okay, everything will work out the way it's supposed to," he says as he holds me closer and kisses the top of my head. 

Eventually we fall asleep like that, only to be awoken by a loud bang of the front door.

"Oh my gosh, you wouldn't believe what I had to put up with at work," my mom begins rambling but stops in her tracks as soon as she sees Peter.

"Um...Hi, I'm Tracy, Lexis's mom," she says.

"I'm Peter," Peter puts his hand out to introduce himself as I internally hope my mom won't embarrass me too badly.

"Oh Peter Baxter, Lexis's boy toy," my mom jokes as I drop my head down and groan.

"I think Lexis prefers the term 'boyfriend' which I don't know why all she does is use my for my body," Peter jokes.

I slap him and say, "I do no such thing."

"All you do is hold my hand or snuggle me," he responds with a sort of 'ha ha' in his voice.

I don't have a response for him I just cross my arms and pout as Peter and my mom laugh at my expense. 

"So, Peter, will you be joining us for dinner?" my mother asks. 


Dinner went by smoothly with jokes aimed at everyone from everyone. My mom get to learn more about Peter and I got to see how he acts in front of a parental figure. 

It helped me forget about what happened with Becca. At this point I still don't know what I am going to do about her.

Peter sees my mood drift and he grabs my hand in comfort. He squeezes it to get my attention.

"Everything is going to be alright," Peter told me.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Well how about we all watch a movie" my mother suggests.

When Peter and I agree, we go to the living room and pick out the movie to watch. 


I stand outside saying goodbye to Peter when I hear a voice.

"Lexis, please listen to me," Becca calls out.

"Here we go," Peter says very snarkily. You could here how upset he was in his voice. 

Peter can get quite angry and cold when someone hurts somebody he cares about.

"Becca," I say in a monotone voice, trying not to show my true emotions, "not right now, don't ruin this good night for me."

"Okay," Becca says really sadly as she puts her head down and walks down the street. 

"Now that she's gone, let's get back to business," Peter says as he pulls me in close and looks deep into my eyes. Eyes, eyes I get lost in.

We lean in and just as we are about to kiss I hear my mom yell and ask if I am alright and what's taking so long.

I step back and say, "I guess that's my que to go back inside, sorry."

"It's fine, we'll have plenty of time later," he replies with a wink as he turns and gets in his car to drive off.

"Uh Mom!" I yell

"What" she asks innocently and defensively. 

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