The Day After

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The next morning I awake to find the part of the bed next to me empty. 

I get dressed in my shorts and Peter's shirt, then head downstairs to look for Peter.

I hear music coming from the kitchen. I follow the sound to find Peter cooking and dancing about. 

"Are you cooking me pancakes?" I ask.

"What are you doing up?" He asks disappointedly.

"Well, there was this noisy person in the kitchen cooking pancakes, even though I prefer waffles," I joke at Peter's expense. 

"Hey, now be nice there missy," Peter jokes back as he kisses me. 

We eat on the patio while Peter tells me stories from his childhood about the cabin. We laugh and poke fun at each other. We kiss and hold hands. It seems we are closer than ever before. 


When we pull into my driveway I turn to him and say, "I don't want this weekend to end, it's been perfect."

"It really has hasn't it?" he asks a rhetorical question. 

"Peter..." I begin, " to thank you for this weekend. It was magical."

"No, thank you, it was perfect," Peter says before he leans down and kisses me. 

As the kiss deepens, there is a knock on the window. We both jump back and I land on the horn making everything even more awkward. 

"Hi, Mom," I say as Peter rolls down the window, with me still on his lap. 

"Did you kids have fun?" she asks casually with a wink.

"Uh...yeah, Mom, thanks for letting me go," I say gratefully.

"Anytime, Dear, as long as you're using protection," my mom jokes.

I turn bright red and and hide my face in Peter's shoulder as Peter chuckles. 

"Don't worry, Mrs. Marvel, we are," Peter says.

 I punch Peter in the arm after he says that and we all laugh. 

"Well, how about you kids come on in and have some lunch," she says. 

We get out of Peter's truck only to see that my mom has set out a picnic on the front lawn.

"Mom did you do all of this?" I ask surprised.

"Of course I did, Honey, I'd do anything for you," she responds.

"Wait, is this still part of the surprise, a lunch date with both of you?" I ask with tears of joy in my eyes.

Peter comes up behind me and gives me a big hug and picks me up to carry me over to the area where the picnic is set up.


After lunch, we decide to watch some movies. Peter and I are curled up on the couch, and my mom is in her recliner. 

We laugh, we cry, we scream, we feel like we might die, but I loved every minute of it because it was with the two most important people in my life.

Once we were finished with the movies, we decide to make dinner. 

"Peter, will you get the sauce?" my mom asks.

"Sure," Peter answers, knowing exactly where to go and what to get.

I stand back and see how Peter and my mom interact, which makes me happy. 

We eat in peace, and we are all relaxed. We still make jokes and laugh, but it feels more like a family than anything else. 


"I can't believe Mom said you could stay over," I tell Peter.

"She loves me, can you really blame her?" he jokes back.

I push him on the bed and straddle his hips. I kiss him deeply, but before we can go to far, I roll off him and tell him goodnight. He huffs in response and grumble a good night. 

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