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I can feel the end of my senior year approaching. Days are numbered and time is limited. 

Everyday Becca, Melissa, Micah, Peter, and I all eat lunch together and hang out after school, trying to spend as much time as we can together before graduation.

"So who's going to Prom?" Melissa asks one day at lunch.

We all grumble and murmur, not giving a straight answer. 

"What, how aren't you guys excited about this?" Melissa asks in shock

I look down at my arms that are covered, Peter looks at me, Becca looks longingly at Rachel, and Micah looks longingly at Rachel's stomach.

"Oh," she says and nods in understanding. 

We all fall silent before I say, "You know what screw it, we only get one senior Prom. We all should go and have fun."

They all lift their heads and look at me with smiles on their faces. 


"I can't believe you've never been here before. This is the store to get dresses at," Melissa says.

"I've never been one for dances," I tell her.

"I understand but I am getting you into a dress if it is the last thing i do," Melissa jokes.

"One condition, it has to be long sleeved," I say looking down at my arms. 

She picks my chin up and replies, "of course, and you'll look like a princess nonetheless."

I smile at her thankfully. 

We go through dozens of dresses: short dresses, long dresses, sparkly dresses, lace dresses, and pink dresses (a lot of pink dresses). Until finally I find the perfect gown. It is a beautiful blue with a hint of sparkle and lace on the bodice and sleeves and a tulle skirt. 

"Oh my god," Melissa says in stunned voice, "that's the one, if you don't get it I'm slapping you."

I smile a huge smile as I look in the mirror because I love it so much.


"Alexis, sweetie, Peter is here for you!" I hear my mom call from downstairs.

I do one last touch up before I emerge from my room. As I descend from the stairs, I hear Peter take a breath of amazement. 

"Hi," I say once I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey," Peter responds as he lets out a breath and we both laugh.

"Picture time," my mom says as she rushes us into positions she wanted. 

"Ready?" Peter asks.

"With you, always," I reply lovingly.

He takes my hand and leads my to his old, beat-up pickup truck. I smile as I climb in and buckle my seatbelt.

"I know it's not a carriage, my princess, but my evil step-mother had it for the night," he says jokingly.

"As long as it doesn't turn into a pumpkin, I'm good," I reply with a laugh.


When we get to the Prom, we meet up with Micah and Melissa. I notice their conjoined hands but don't say anything to avoid making it awkward. 

"Has anyone seen Becca?" I ask.

Everyone shakes their head no as a response. Just as I'm about to call her, Peter says that he found her. 

In walks Becca hand-in-hand with Rachel. We all stop and stare as they make their way towards us.

Micah inhales deeply as I take his other hand in comfort. 

"Hey guys," Becca says casually.

We murmur our hi's and start asking questions.

"Um, Becca, what are you doing with her?" Peter asks kinda upset.

"She's my date," she responds.

"We got that, Bex, I think he means why would you do this to yourself and Micah?"

Becca didn't have a response to that. After that Rachel pulls Becca away from us.

We all turn to each other sadly but I say, "we are not doing to let that get us down on our Prom night."

After a few woahs and hollers we all head into the dance area.


After dancing for what seemed like hours in was time to announce Prom King and Queen.

"Your Prom King is Micah Sawyer," the announcer calls out as we cheer and clap like manics. 

"And now your Prom Queen is a tie, Rachel Mcqueen and Alexis Marvel," the announcer says with the same amount of enthusiasm. 

It felt like everyone was staring as I slowly made my way to the stage, where I was met with Micah offering me his hand smiling, ignoring Rachel who was right behind me. 

They placed the crown on me and gave Rachel the sash and flowers. 

"And now for the traditional King and Queen Dan-" the announcer tries to speak before Rachel snatches the microphone from them. 

"Before we get to that I have something to say. Alexis, this was just a pity crown and is rightfully mine so if you would kindly give me the crown," she says.

"No, I won this just like you won the sash and flowers so deal with it," I reply, standing up for myself.

"Fine, Micah, you will never have anything to do with this baby for as long as I live. I will make sure of it and will make your life a living hell if try to," she begins to raise her voice.

"And, Melissa, really couldn't get anyone better than this," she says pointing at Micah.

"Peter," she snaps, "your girlfriend tried to kill herself because of you and she still stayed with you. That just proves how desperate she really is if she's throwing herself at you of all people. The boy with the meth-head dad and mama wannabe. Oh, I bet you didn't tell her that."

"Finally, Becca, do you really think someone could love you?" she asks with a mean laugh, "you are an ugly, fat bitch who is so desperate for attention she will throw away her best friend in a second."

"Now that I've said my peace, Happy Prom everyone," she says in a sickly sweet voice. 

Nobody moves until I reach my hand for Micah's and lead him out to the dance floor. And just like that everyone's moved on from what Rachel said, for now. 

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