The Aftermath

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When lunch arrives the fight is the only thing people are talking about. Neither Peter or Micah have been seen since first period and rumors are flying. Everything from a summer fling gone bad to fighting over which seat they wanted. Nobody actually knows the truth. Those who were there have said a million different things about what has happened. 

I'm sitting at a table by myself when suddenly someone sits down. I look up and it's Peter with bruises and a black eye. 

"Hey, Lexis," Peter says casually as if nothing has happened.

"I...I...I..." I stutter. I blush profusely and look down at my lap as I bite into my apple. I give up trying to say anything and just rub my aching arm, hoping he won't notice. He doesn't. 

He chuckles and starts eating his own lunch as if we do this everyday. I look up at him to find him staring at me immensely. 

"So..." I begin, "How..How..How are you?" I ask trying to act as casual as I can. 

"If you're talking about what happened this morning, I got a month's detention and Saturday school. But if you're talking about me in general I am great now that I am with you."

I stare and him with my mouth hung open with surprise. Nobody's ever flirted with me before, not even Micah. I can't help but turn even more red. I nervously giggle and smile at him sweetly. 

We are just staring at each other when somebody walks up to the table. 

"What is going on?" Becca asks as she slides down in a seat next to me. 

"Um... Peter is joining us for lunch," I say nervously but with a little joy in my voice that surprises even me. 

Becca nods and digs into her meal. 

For the rest of the lunch period, we talk and laugh like we have all been best of friends for years. I actually enjoy myself for the first time in months. 

This continues on for the next couple weeks. We all become close as friends. I still try and keep Peter from flirting with me too much, mostly because he likes to pick it up more when we are alone. 

Everything was good. Until the dark, navy school doors open to reveal a still slightly battered Micah. 

"He's back?" I question, "I mean he just disappeared after the first day." I try not to stare as he's walking down the hallway towards us. He just sternly looks ahead as he passes  but you could feel how tensed up he really was. 

"Yeah, he got three weeks suspension for technically starting the fight," Peter says in my ear which causes me to shiver in response. This he notices and I know I'm going to be teased about it later. 

"So, therapy after school then Lexis?" Becca asks me. My eyes widen as I stare at her with shock and fear in my eyes. 

"Therapy?" Peter questions pretty quickly. Becca then realizes her mistake and mouths me a sorry. 

I turn to him slowly and answer, "Uh...yeah my mom makes me go. Bummer right?" I say trying to stay as calm as possible and hoping he drops the subject which he does and goes on rambling about what was on tv last night.

I start to wonder if I am ever going to tell him the truth. 

The Story After the EndTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon