Bewitched (Tony×Reader)

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**It's supposed to be a reader×Tony Stark but I have changed y/n to Kiara. Hope you don't mind**

Kiara's POV

We were just sitting there quietly, watching Pride and Prejudice, but my focus was hardly on the movie. How could it be? Tony was laying beside me, with his head on my lap, and I was just slowly caressing his hair. He was watching every scene of the movie intensely, just because I told him it was my favourite movie and here I was watching his cute serious face.

"I love you Tones." I whispered.

Suddenly, he paused the movie, sat up and looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "What happened-" and before I knew it he pulled me close and I was sitting on his lap. He was just staring at me and he suddenly kissed me. It was a slow and promising kiss. Promise to love and protect each other.

"I love you too Kiara," he said lovingly. Those five words were like music to my ears. "But I was going to say it first tomorrow at this fancy dinner. Your loss!" he smirked.

"Ohh you are still going to take me to that dinner Stark." I smirked.

"Yeah you are right. But since you took my opportunity, let me do this the correct way now." and then he stood up while I was still straddling him.

Tony's POV

She was still straddling me, and when I looked at her and she just gave me one of her goofy grins for which I would've almost killed Thor. That's a story for some other time. I slowly picked her in my arms and settled her on the sofa.

"I would have to tell you. You have bewitched me body and soul and I love... I love... I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day onward" I said kneeling down and taking out the ring. "Kiara, will you-" "YES YES A THOUSAND TIME YES!" She screamed and jumped on me, making both of us fall on the carpet. "You have made me the happiest person alive!" We both said at the same time, and then laughed while tears streamed down our faces. I hugged her tightly, never wanting to leave her.

"You are doing amazing Mr.Stark!" hearing Peter's voice, I turned my head towards the other direction and saw the whole team standing there, while Nat and Peter had cameras in their hands.

When Kiara saw them, she stood up blushing while burying her face in my chest, which honestly made me laugh.

"Sweetie, they are never gonna leave us alone." I laughed.

"I never expected this from you, Tony," Nat said.

"I'm full of surprises," I smirked at which the whole team laughed.

"When did you even learned that dialogue?" Kiara asked me curiously.

"Actually I knew it was your favourite movie so I had been practicing that dialogue ever since" I said scratching my neck.

"But you never let me complete my proposal. So wait and this time don't interrupt me darling," I said kneeling again.

"Kiara will you-"
"YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" She interrupted me again and then jumped on me and we were again on the carpet. I hugged her tightly and kissed her on forehead.

"Made for each other!" The whole team said and laughed. Then I heard someone clicking a photo of us from the instax camera. It must be Steve.

"Stevie, honey, give me that photo, will ya?" Kiara and me said at the same time, and then laughed at that, nudging our noses together, playfully.

So how was it?
Peace out bitches!!

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