Fiancé? please! (Stony pt.1)

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**So basically Tony is just frustrated and sad by the fact that Steve was taking so much time to accept the fact he is gay in front of the world and nor was he ready to announce their soon to be happening marriage.**

Tony's POV

I was just sitting near the bar and gulping my anger down, one drink at a time. I can't remember now why, but we have a party over here at the Avengers tower, and well, my fiancé is fucking flirting with some random piece of garbage.

It's been past one hour and they are still flirting, while that garbage is laughing and touching my Steve here and there. HE IS MINE, YOU BITCH!
All the other members are starting to get worried about me as this my seventh drink, but guess what? My fiancé doesn't care. Hell, he is not even looking at me!

Natasha decides to go up to them and drag his American ass over here. She may or may not have said something to the garbage as she grabbed her clutch and ran out in fear. Then I heard Sam making an announcement that the party's over.

"It's okay buddy. It's okay," Rhodey interrupted me and blocked me from going to the stage.
"Fine," I pouted.
"Yeah your cute face doesn't work on me, I'm not your fiancé," Rhodey laughed and immediately regreted it after I whispered fiancé and chuckled.

"Where's that asshole anyway, huh?" I said sarcastically
"Tones-" Steve said
"No don't you dare Tones me!" I shouted
"Tones listen to me-" He tried to say
"Don't you get it Rogers? I SAID DON'T TONES ME!" I shouted angrily, and slightly tripped from my place but Rhodey came towards me.
"No, it's okay, I'm fine. I just had a few drinks." I said.
"Seven," Steve sighed.
"Ohh, look who is worried now! My god, Rogers, I'm so happy! Look at the happiness on my face. See! Can't you see it?" I exclaimed.
"I just-" He said
"No no no. Don't tell me you were just talking to her and she was not leaving you, because guess what? She left when Natasha told her to." I said pointing my hands to Natasha, who was now standing behind him.
"What do you want me to do Steve? Huh? I gave you my body and soul. What else do you want from me? Should I just carve out my heart for you. You know what hold this." I tore the arc reactor from my body and handed it to him.
"Are you happy now? Will you accept it now?" I asked him, tears threatening to leave my eyes.
"Tony I-" He started crying
"YOU DIDN'T EVEN SAID YES! What should I do Steve, for you, so that I can finally wear the ring you bought me and flaunt about it? So that I can hold your hand in front of everyone? So that everyone can know I'm yours and you are mine. Or have you planned on tormenting me by flirting with other girls? I mean, how can you even? Am I not enough for you? You didn't even wait for me to leave the hall," At this point I started hitting him.

I could see Natasha crying. "What are you crying for Natasha?" I chuckled.

"Tony." I heard Rhodey's voice.
"Tony what?" And I fell on the floor.
"Doll!" Steve was immediately by my side
"Huh atleast you care about me." I chuckled
"Ofcourse I care about you, doll. I was not flirting with her. Trust me," He cried
"Trust you? Well guess what? No trust, liar!" I spoke.

Steve grabbed my collar and kissed me harshly.
"Don't you ever say that again to me, doll." Steve said with a little bit of anger in his tone, and then he picked me up bridal style.
"Put me down, Rogers. Where the fuck are you taking me?" I shouted and struggled to get out of his grasp, but man, does he have strong arms!
"Stop struggling, darling. You know you cannot escape me." He chuckled.
"You asshole, put me down this instant" I shouted again.
"Language," He mumbled and tightened his grip.
"Steve Steve where are you taking him?" I heard Natasha and Rhodey's concerned voices.
"We are going to the garage and all of you are coming with us. JARVIS, I need some strong coffee to sober up Tony." He ordered
"On the way, sir." JARVIS replied
"No, JARVIS. Who told you to even listen to him? Bring me my suit!" I shouted at the AI.
"I'm afraid, sir, you were the one who told me so and also you strictly ordered me to not bring you the suit when you get angry on Mr. Rogers." He replied.
"Come on, buddy." I said annoyed and I saw Steve laughing at that.

"I do not sit in the car while others drive. Leave me you asshole." I hissed.
"It's okay, Tony I'm going to drive. I'm not drunk" Rhodey smiled. "It's not you Rhodey." I replied
"I know." He said.

He didn't even leave me in the car and I was forced to sit on his lap for the whole ride. Bucky was sitting beside me and he started laughing.
"What's so funny, Barnes?" I said annoyed by his laughter.
"Well, for one, I know where Steve is taking you and I love how uncomfortable you are. Nice one, punk." He laughed.
"Yeah, I know." Steve laughed.
"What the fuck?" I said and Steve just tightened his grip on me. "Do you plan on killing me like this Rogers?" I cried.
"I'm sorry doll, didn't mean to hurt you." He replied.

I was suddenly blindfolded. "What is wrong with you guys? Why are you even listening to him?" I shouted.

I heard opening and closing of a door and then suddenly the arc reactor was inside my body again. "There you go, Boss." I heard Pepper's voice. "Pep, listen to me, I'm your boss. Let me go this instant!" I tried to reason with her.
"I'm sorry, but Mr. Rogers told me not too" She apologized.
"Come on, Tony. Its time to go." Rhodey said cheerfully.
"Yay, my bestfriend is listening to my asshole of a fiancé! Let's go Rhodey!" I fake cheered.
"Enough with the sarcasm young man." Rhodey said while taking me somewhere. I could feel someone removing the blindfold and as soon as I open my eyes, I was blinded by all the fairy lights.

"Let's go Tony. Your asshole of a fiancé is waiting." I heard Natasha laughing.
My breath hitched when I saw the whole decoration and Steve standing in the middle of it with a father behind him. With a father. Huh. HOLD ON A GODDAMN SECOND. "Where did the father come from?" I shouted suprised
"We are getting married doll!" Steve shouted from the other end.
"Yeah you wish Rogers." I replied.
"I can stand here all day Tony and wait for you to say yes." He smirked.
"Well, guess what, Rogers? You are going to stand there all day cause I am in no hurry to marry you." I smirked back. His reaction was priceless when he heard me. Hah, that atleast wiped the smirk off his face.
"As the fiancé wishes then." He replied, sadly.

To be continued..

Picture Credit- starkrogers013

So how was it?
Peace out bitches!!

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