Iced Cappuccino (Steve×Reader)

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Steve's POV

"Motherfucker" I glared at you when I heard you cussing for the fifth time.
"Sorry Iced cappuccino" You apologized still looking at your sheets.
"This is the fifth time you are cussing. What on earth are you even doing?" I asked annoyed by your cussing. You are just like Tony.
"For fuck's sake Steve, you were in the fucking army. Why does it fucking bother you ?" You asked angrily scribbling on your papers.
"We do not talk like that over here and I don't think I like your tone" I shouted slamming my fist on the table.
You finally looked up from your papers and I could see the anger and frustration in your eyes "I DO NOT FUCKING CARE." You shouted so loudly that your voice sounded like a tiger's roar which scared me and I took a step back.
"What's happening over here ?" I heard Tony's voice.
"I swear to Thor, brother if I see this man in your lab next time I'll fucking blast him off" You shouted while collecting the papers
"Woah. Calm down lil sis-" Tony tried to calm you.
"Calm down? calm down ? I have a fucking deal tomorrow and this guy is not letting me work in peace. You know what screw you" You said throwing a tool towards my legs.
"What the fuck y/n?" I groaned in pain.
"I went for the legs" You smirked looking at Tony.
This duo is going to kill me some day.
"Y/n" Tony gasped.
"I'm sorry I forgot that we don't hit old folks" You shrugged
"How dare you call me an old man?" I shouted.
"Y/n Stark" Tony shouted
"I am sorry Mr.Rogers in which year were you born again? 1800 I guess? " You said mocking me
"1915" I said through gritted teath. All I did was ask you one question.
"Sis, cut it--" Tony was interrupted by Pepper
"Boss I found these new details. I think-" She said looking up from her sheets "Am I interrupting something?"
"Absolutely not honey" Tony smiled at her. Classic Tony. I saw you elbowing him in stomach for that.
"I'm just too frustrated to see anything now Pepper thanks to the old man standing over there" You said emphasising on old man. "Why don't you do something take my notes and see if you can draft something? If something is prepared I'll be in the gun range" You smiled at her.
"Hey I am not an -"
"Yeah whatever" You said interrupting me
"You can't just go to the gun range everytime you are angry sis" Tony said
"Watch me brother" You said leaving the lab
"You do really get on her nerves, Old man" Tony said smirking
"Tony I swear-" I groaned
"I'm just kidding" He said chuckling
"Can you look at my new suit design?" I asked him. That's why I came here. My suit was having some issues and I wanted him to remove them.

***In Steve's Room***

"Ohh gosh it hurts" I said
"I cannot believe she threw a screwdriver at you" Nat said applying medicine.
"It's not her fault. I was the one irritating her. Nat it hurts, can you be a little gentle?" I cried in pain.
"Did she told you to tighten your screws after she threw the screwdriver?" Sam asked lightening up like a bulb.
"Gosh I really missed that opportunity didn't I? But I did said screw you" We all heard your voice.

3rd Person's POV

It really hurted you when he slammed his fist at the table. Heck it scared the shit out of you. Guess that's why you shouted at him and then threw a screwdriver. It was just a reflex action but seeing him in pain didn't made it any better.

Before you went into the room you heard Steve saying that it wasn't yout fault. "It was Steve, you should stop going easy on me and stop ignoring my mistakes." Was all you thought

"Why did you exactly threw a screwdriver and injured him one day before our mission?" Nat asked angrily dropping the medicine.
"Nat-" Steve sighed
"No Steve you need to stop protecting her. It was her fault." She said getting angrier with each word.
"It is my fault Nat I never said it wasn't." You said moving towards Steve, sitting on the floor near his wound "I am sorry Steve. I really am it's just that I have a big deal tomorrow and somethings are out of order. I hope you forgive me" You applied medicine to his wound while apologizing.

"I was never angry to start with darling" He smiled.

His smile is so intoxicating that whenever you are the reason of his smile it just makes you blush crazy and feel those darn butterflies in your stomach.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked softly
"Look at that I have a date with the old dinosaur. TONY I won the bet, now grow some balls and ask Pepper out" You shouted running out of the room
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DINOSAUR AND WHAT BET?" Steve shouted from the room
"Sorry, Iced cappucino, can't hear you" You laughed.

I'm still not used to writing 3rd person POV, sorry if there are any errors.
PS- how was it?
Peace out bitches!!

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