Not a saint (Stony)

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**Cute and beautiful drawing above is done by Mizz_Rat**

**The song above reminded me of Stony immediately. I am just loving this band. What are the song that reminds you of your favourite ship?**

Tony's POV

"I don't think I like this doll" Steve whispered in my ears and then went towards the elevator.
"I just remembered I have something to do. How about I talk to you later?" I smiled to the women standing infront of me and went to the bar.
"What did he said? Drink? " Nat asked offering me a drink.
"Yeah thanks. He was talking about some mission" I said gulping down the drink in one go.
"What about it?" She smirked
"How about you stop asking me questions and go save your sweetheart" I said pointing towards Bruce.
"One of these days I'm going to fry some bitches" Nat said before marching towards Bruce and the female crowd gathered around him.

"JARVIS where is Steve ?" I asked the AI
"I'm afraid he is in the training room sir. 2 down" He replied
"2 down already?" I said to no one in particular, heading towards the training room. I am used to keep a track record of how many punching bags Steve had destroyed it helps to know about his fighting style and his mood.

Steve's POV

Everyone says love is magical and it changes your life and it makes everything easy because you always have someone at your every moment. What they don't know is that love feels like hell when the person you love doesn't love you back.

I mean what's the catch here. I love him but he doesn't love me. How am I sure you ask? For starters I don't think he is gay and secondly he is THE genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and I am just a soldier who's apparently way too old for anybody to date.

I think I kind of screwed up today. I had no right to say that to him but I couldn't help but feel jealous. She hasn't even been there for him for fucking past two years but this WOMAN. GETS. TO. FLIRT. WITH. HIM and with that I knock out the punching bag.

"Honey you never told me what you don't like?" I head Tony's soothing voice. Did he just called me honey? I am just imagining things why would he come here. I went to pick up the fourth punching bag.

"What, you are going to ignore me now?" I heard Tony's voice again
"You are actually here" I said turning around shocked
"Yeah I am now would you tell me what you don't like" He said sitting on the nearby table. He looks so sexy in that three piece suit.
"Nothing Tony, I-I think I had one too many drinks" I said turning to the punching bag as I cannot lie to him.
"Atleast don't lie to me" He sighed, great now he is disappointed. Good going Rogers
"I- Tony it's no-nothing" I tried to say
"Come on Rogers I know you cannot get drunk, no matter how much you try" He said opening his cufflinks.
"And how do you know that Tony?" I asked walking towards him
"Don't get mad at me, Fury gave me your file" He said holding his hands up in the air
"What else do you know about me then?" I said keeping my hands on the table. It's like whenever he is near me someone else is controlling my mind.
"What do you want me to know about you?" He asked gulping hard.
"You tell me doll" I said bringing him close to me
"Wh-what are you doing Steve?" He stuttered
"The billionaire can't even talk now" I chuckled lightly
"Is that so" He smirked and held my collar.
"What d-do you have in your mind Tony?" I said, my senses fogged be his scent
"You tell me Captain" He said and with that I couldn't control myself anymore and I kissed him. He tasted like heaven with a hint of rum.
I was about to pull back as he was not kissing but then he just wrapped my hands around his waist and started kissing me harder.

"Who taught you to kiss like that?" Tony asked breathing heavily
"I-I am a virgin not a saint" I said keeping our foreheads together
"Steve I-I" He tried to say but a hiccup interrupted him.
"Tony are you drunk?" I asked him taking a step away
"No it's not like that" He said trying to stand but failing miserably
"I cannot believe this, I wanted this for two years and this is how it happens." I sighed
"Steve-" Tony tried to say
"No no it's okay, you will not remember any of this in the morning anyways, I don't want it when there is a chance you will regret it later" I said
"Let's get you to your room" I said picking him up

I helped him change and lay him on his bed.
"Don't leave me Stevie" Tony mumbled holding my hand
"You are drunk Tony" I smiled trying to remove his hand
"Steve don't-don't go, they will..... ahh" Tony said turning uncomfortably
"I'm here Tony, it's okay, who's they?" I asked immediately sitting by his side
"New York..... please..... Stevie" He said sweating. That's when it hit me Tony has PTSD.
"I am here Tony" I said laying his head on my lap and stroking his hairs.
"Safe" He said before going back to sleep and hugging me tightly.

So I am in Tony's room stroking his hair. I AM IN TONY'S ROOM STROKING HIS HAIR. I have been waiting this for a long time but I don't know what is going to happen once he wakes up but all I know is that no one can separate us now. Not after knowing that Tony needs me.
"Nothing is going to hurt you doll, nothing is going to take you away from my side" I whispered in his ears before kissing his forehead.

To be continued....

How was it?
Peace out bitches!!

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