Fight for me soldier (Stony)

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Tony's POV

Guess love is not for me, this is a mess, my life is a mess and I told him not get involved but he did it, even after me warning him a hundred times and look what happened. I hurt him. That's the last thing I wanted to do but sometimes you end up doing the thing you least wanted to do. It's just like that theory where you try your hardest to not become like your parents but a few years down the line, you are them. That's it I'm breaking up with him for the better or the worse, I don't care what he says, it's my duty to keep him safe and he can only be safe when he is away from me.

I guess this is goodbye then, I love you soldier always have and always will. I whispered to him before kissing his forehead one last time and with that I left the hospital room.

It's been seven days since the Michigan incident and he hasn't woken up yet, doctors said that it was nothing serious and sometimes the patient ends up for.... for sleeping for sometime but he comes back and I know he will come back. I am not going to lose my hope because if he doesn't come back to me in the next seven days doctors are afraid that he might never be here with us you know mentally but he will be there physically.

**4 days left**

"Come on Soldier, don't do this to me" I cried holding his hand. I finally decided to visit the hospital on the 3rd day with the little bit of courage I had left in my body. Natasha says I look like a zombie which is not false because I haven't eaten or slept in the past 3 days but I showered because he hates when I smell like my lab and alcohol.

Don't get me wrong he is very supportive of this little piece of reactor energy in my chest but sometimes it gets to him, especially when I try to be the superhero I am and get myself seriously injured. He scolded me for the first time that day and then kissed me out of frustration when I said "don't act like you care about me". It's a nice memory but it's not like I need memories when I can make new ones when he wakes up. I know he'll wake up.

It's been two days since I'm sitting here, by his side. Doctors and nurses have tried to remove me or send me home to get some sleep. Even Thor couldn't remove me by his side, how long are you going to torment me like this? I am sorry for what I even thought earlier but I just wanted you to be safe. I'll not leave you alone for a second but please just come back to me.
"I'm not going to look at you until you call my name" I said turning my chair towards the window but never leaving your hand. I'm mad at you soldier, I'm mad that it was you and not me. You didn't deserve this, you don't deserve any of this and I guess it fits me right, the torture and the fear, that you might....... No, I have to be positive, for you, for us.

No resurrections this time, the purple grape cannot be right Soldier, you must prove him wrong. We were not the bad guys so why are we being punished like one. Last 24 hours, they say that's all I have to save you and if you don't wake up...... We are not going to talk about what's not going to happen because I know you will wake up and kiss me like hell because of how angry you are at me.

**Two hours left**

"Why are you torturing yourself Tony?" Nat asked me
"This is all my fault so I'm going to be the one makes it right" I said
"It was not your fault Tony, you did what anyone would, it's not like you knew he was behind you" She consoled keeping a hand on my shoulder
"The doctors said he can hear us right?" I asked getting an idea
"Yeah they did" She said

"You better kiss me at the end of this story like you are used too" I sighed and started telling you the story of how we fell in love, it's your favourite, it's what you used to tell me at night when I couldn't sleep, you always wanted me to tell it one day I'm doing that now and you better come back to me.
"Once upon a time, there was a soldier who fell in love with a prince" I said holding your hand and saw Natasha leaving the room.

**Seven minutes left**

"Come back to me Soldier, come back to me" I cried keeping my head on your chest
"Tony let go of him" Nat said sitting beside me
"Ask him to come back Nat, tell him I cannot live without him" I cried hugging her tightly
"He knows that Tony, he knows" She said rubbing my back
"Then why is he torturing me like this, he doesn't love me, does he?" I asked her between the sobs and heard the monitor beeping loudly. It all happened so quickly Natasha rushed to call the doctors, they came in and examined you, "He is experiencing some kind of trauma" they said. "No, I don't mean it soldier, come back, I didn't meant any of it, wake up and tell me that I'm wrong" was all I was screaming in my head but I could barely say a word.

The machine went silent for a moment, my heart dropped at that, the mouth felt dry and tears wouldn't stop rolling out of my eyes. The world seemed blurry to me at the moment, I saw a figure rushing towards me and the doctors trying the last time to save you.

"Steve" I screamed at the top of my lungs dropping to my knees. Everything went silent for a moment, I opened my eyes to look at you, to believe that...... that's when I heard you.
"Tony" You said, violently shaking in your sleep.The doctors tried to calm you down but it was not helping, you again called me name.
"I'm here, I'm here, fight for me soldier" I whispered in your ears and saw your body relaxing at that.

The nurses started pushing me out of the operation theatre so that they could help you but you sensed that and you started shaking again.
"I'm here, fight for me, I love you soldier" I shouted before they were successful in pushing me out of the room. Nat drove me home to freshen up, I would've never agreed to that but she told me that I wouldn't want to scare you by looking like a zombie when you wake up.

**After 24 hours and a painful surgery**

Anytime now soldier, they said you would wake up anytime now. Stop torturing me and please wake up, I promise I will make you breakfast the 30s style every Saturday morning, let's not kid ourself the Sunday breakfast is your duty. I will even let you use that old wanna be phone but just wake up.

"Tony" You said opening your eyes
"I'm here, I'm here Stevie, should I call the doctor, do you need something?" I asked immediately standing up from my seat
"Water" You said
"Yeah Of Course" I said helping you with the glass
"Still love me, prince?" You asked signalling me to keep the glass down
"Still love you, soldier" I said, keeping our foreheads together and holding your face.

So how was it?
Peace out bitches!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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