PJs and t-shirts (Thor×Reader pt.1)

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"Thorrrr" You shouted from your room.
"Yes Lady y/n" Thor said entering your room
"No no no no, not again don't lady y/n me, Thor we have gone over this please call me y/n or y/nickname" You said
"I am sorry y/n" he said delicately
"You said you wanted to watch something new right? I've decided to watch Once Upon A Time, would you like to watch it with me?" You smiled
"What's that?" Thor said
"It's a show about fairytales but twisted" You explained to him
"Well I would love to know about fairytales of Earth" Thor said
"You are not sitting on my bed with that armour. I know you don't give it for a wash" You said pointing out his outfit with disguising expressions.
"Fine I'll wear those wierd comfortable robes" Thor sighed
"Jammies, that's what we call them" You chuckled

"I beleive now I can sit on your bed" Thor said entering your room after 10 minutes.
You took in a sharp breath realising that Thor was only wearing his trousers and his abs were on display. "Damnnnn" was the first thought that cross your mind.

"What the actual fuck Thor?" You covered your eyes blushing.
"What did I do?" Thor said going to your dressing room. "Oh shit! I am so sorry y/n I forgot to put on a t shirt. I will return shortly" He exclaimed
"You are going to talk the whole day if you went back. I guess I have something that will fit you" You sighed entering the dressing room
"Here, wear this" You said handing him a men's t shirt.
"Is this of your ex boyfriend, if so then I will not wear it" He said holding the tshirt away from him.
"I have never been in a relationship honey, that's for my nightwear." You said
"This is yours?" He laughed
"What? Okay I borrowed it from Steve and men's clothes are way too comfortable not my fault" You stated returning to your bed.
"He wears very tight t shirts" Thor said struggling into the t shirt.
"Yeah he does, let's watch it then" You laughed and Thor sat beside you.

**After 1 season**
"Regina is so evil" Thor said with the most serious expression ever
"Let's not judge her way too quickly dearie" You said mimicking one of the character.
"So what do you want to eat?" You asked Thor
"Anything that does not have apple in it" Thor laughed
"Pasta?" You asked
"What? Oh you mean that rolled dough. Yeah I would love to eat that" Thor smiled
"Okay then" You said ordering from your favourite restaurant.

You both stayed in the bed watching season 2 and taking a sip of your hot cocoa whenever Rumplestiltskin said dearie. His original idea was to drink beer but you laughed and said "I really want to remember what happens in season 2".

"Y/pn I'm slightly uncomfortable sitting like this so can you just shift a little bit" He said shifting in his place
"I've given you so much space and if I shift even one more inch I will fall on the floor" You said
"But your bed is so small" He sighed
"And you are so huge" You laughed
"I don't know but you both can cuddle" You heard Clint's voice from the vent
"I was just going to sleep, saw you to lovebirds fighting" He said
"Okay we were not fighting" You said
"So you agree that you are lovebirds?" He smirked
"I know you are smirking, Stop smirking and I never agreed to that" You shouted
"Well you didn't denied it too" He said
"Fuck off Clint" You said annoyed by him.
"Miss.Rhodes, Mr.Rogers ordered me to say language" Jarvis interrupted
"I cannot believe these guys." You sighed grabbing your knife and walking towards the living room.

"Y/n put that knife down and we can talk this like the responsible citizens we are" Steve said running from you.
"Yesterday you broke three traffic rules Steve, don't tell me about being responsible citizen" You said running after him
"IT WAS AN EMERGENCY" He shouted "Tony wanted cheeseburgers" He mumbled afterwards.
"You and your boyfriend" You sighed
"For the fact my bet was that you and Thor will kiss today, considering that you were together the whole day" Tony said hiding behind Steve.

"I DON'T WANT TO RUIN OUR RELATIONSHIP IF HE IS NOT INTERESTED IN ME" You yelled, frustrated by hiding your feelings for him.
"I.... I like him, I really do but what if he doesn't like me not that I will not have a chance at my happiness but I will lose my bestfriend too. I know this is like your story Tony but I cannot risk my friendship, he is the only person who made me feel loved, like I deserve all the happiness in the world and he also have a habit of doing this very funny thing when I cry" You chuckled at the last part. It felt good to let your feelings out after liking Thor for nearly 6 months now.

"And she says that there is a chance that he doesn't likes her back" Nat mumbled.
"Don't you realise y/n? Thor likes you too I mean you just stated all the things he dos for you" Bruce said
"Tell me something, did today's plan worked?" Tony asked
"What plan are you talking about?" You asked confused
"Well he came to me for some advice and I told him to go half naked in your room, Ofcourse he was reluctant at first but then I told him that women loves muscular men" Tony was interrupted by Steve shouting "You told him to do what?"

"It is true, y/n, I would have never done that if not told by Stark." Thor said from shadows
"What are you Red Skull? Come out from their" Steve said.

To be continued..

So how was it?
This is my last update before my exams, untill then

Peace out bitches!!

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