Drunk Love 🥵🥰

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Betty's POV.
{In this one shot, Betty and Veronica are like 20/21. Jughead is like 23 and they are going into a club.Might be strong language. Hiram is a good dad in this AU and the storyline isn't the same as Riverdale}

Me and Veronica finally get to the club and go past the huge line of people right into the large dark room lit by multicolor lights. It's this big fancy club Veronica's dad owns. I look at the sign with an arrow pointing in the direction of the entrance right before we walk in 'Blue Lagoon; a Riverdale original' is what the big sign says.

Veronica leads me by the hand into the bar. And we get a booth near the back. There is another booth right next to us with a bunch of men. They all have black leather jackets and a snake tattoo. I don't think too much of it because we've seen many gangs here in Riverdale. Me and my ex-boyfriend broke up last night because he was catching feelings for another girl.

I wasn't as hurt as I would have been if he lied. He did the right thing and I appreciate that. I'm still a little sad and this is to get my mind off things. "B I'll go get drinks ok? Time to forget all about Noah." I nod appreciatively and rest against the cool leather of the booth. I look over to the gang again and there is this one guy. His hair is covered by a grey beanie and all but one strand of hair is covered except for a little fish hook making him look both cute and handsome.

He looks like he has some sort of authority over the rest of the men. His jacket also has a serpent on the back but with a crown. I suddenly get nervous because I find the leader of a gang very attractive. As if he can feel my eyes on him he looks over his shoulder at me. I quickly look down at my lap and swear I could see a hint of a smile at his lips.

Veronica comes back with drinks and eventually she gets way too drunk to stay and get home by herself. I don't really mind staying at the bar alone. I call her boyfriend Archie and he comes to pick her up. I wait until he gets here then go back to the booth. A bottle of Jack on the table and my glass. They don't ever let guests have their own bottle of alcohol but we are privileged tonight.

I pour myself another glass and slowly drink as I feel the alcohol take over. When I feel a little to tipsy I stop. I lean back against the leather couch and close my eyes for a few minutes. I'm jolted by someone calling out to me. I look around and I see him. Noah. I shrink into my seat and try not to pay attention to myself. He walks over anyways.

He sits down without asking and I move away. He's obviously drunk. He pulls me closer and slings an arm around me.

"Heyyyy Babbbyyyy," He slurrs.

"Noah, your too drunk." I start to say until he leans in to kiss me.
"NOAH!" I shout and push him away. He looks angry.

"BETTY." He says back. He tries again. I stand up and he still tries to come toward me.

"NOAH WE BROKE UP!" I shout probably loud enough for everyone else to hear. He starts to come towards me and I back up. I bump into something buff and turn around to see the cute stranger I was staring at earlier. He looks to me and then to Noah. Waiting for something to happen.

"Babbbyyyy," Noah starts to say again as he comes towards me. I can't move because of the stranger and I don't want to get lost on the dance floor.

"NOAH STOP!" I shout and back further into the stranger. He grabs my arm and looks back at Noah.

"Apparently you two broke up, you shouldn't be here right now." He says calmly. Dammit, he heard me.

"Betttyyyy babbyyy comeee heereee." He slurs and grabs my arm. The stranger pulls his hand away and steps in between the two of us.

Jughead's POV
This girl. Betty, I think her name is. Is being assaulted by her drunk boyfriend. As soon as he grabs her I step in between them, pulling her behind me. I get up close to this guy. Noah, I think his name is. "She said to stop, so stop." However, Noah's too drunk to pay any attention.

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