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Jughead Jones hated parties, only ever attending them to get Archie off his back. Maybe that's why his best friend was one of the most popular Southside Serpents ever. Even some of the kids at Riverdale High hung around him.

Tonight though, he was hosting the party. By technicality. His father had business to attend to somewhere, so Archie took it upon himself to spread word to their fellow Serpents that they were throwing a bash at the Jones' place.

Slimy as a snake, that redhead was.

"Jug, can you get me a beer?" The devil himself yells upon seeing him across the room.

He rolls his eyes, but ultimately obliges. He's going to the kitchen anyways. "Give me a sec, Arch!"

Jughead flicks a curl out of his eyes, stepping out of the way of a loud, giggly girl who's too drunk to notice her near stumble into him. He grumbles something rude under his breath, then proceeds to search for the good shit.

"C'mon, c' were just here..." He mutters as he sifts through the back of his fridge.

"Looking for this?" A brunette girl asks, holding up the exact bottle he is searching for. She isn't wearing a leather jacket, unlike most of the attendees.

"Yeah, actually. Any left? Perhaps two?" He asks, eyebrow raised.

"Maybe," The other girl says, sitting on his kitchen countertop. "It depends."

Jughead meets her green eyes, and he feels his pulse quicken. She is absolutely gorgeous, all pink lips and golden hair. Her shoulders are draped in black leather, and he wonders how he'd never noticed her before if she was a Serpent.

"On what?" He responds, trying not to get too distracted.

"Jug, bro? What's taking so long?" Archie asks, entering the room alone. "Oh...hi there."

The brunette smirks slightly. "Hello, abs." She is blatantly staring at his friend's body, soaking in the sight. Jughead rolls his eyes, and he hears the blonde giggling quietly. He looks up just in time to meet her gaze once more.

God, she was cute.

"Who are you?" Archie asks the girl. "Not a Serpent?" He continues, and points to his own leather jacket for emphasis.

"New recruit," She says. "I'm Veronica Lodge, and this is Betty Cooper." The blonde that sat behind her tilts her head up in greeting.

"Archie Andrews. That's Jughead Jones," The boy gestures to him.

"It's a nickname for a much worse name," He clarifies.

"Worse than Jughead?" Veronica inquires, one sculpted eyebrow raised. He nods in response. "Well, at least the outlandish name kind of matches your dark, brooding outsider look. In fact, the leather really is the cherry on top. Maybe I need one. We can be twins, Betty!"

"Oh yeah, cause we look just alike," She retorts sarcastically.

"How do you have a jacket?" Jughead asks, holding eye contact with the emerald-eyed girl.

"Stole it from my mom," She says, before taking a swig of her drink. "She used to be one of you. Alice Cooper ring a bell?"

He nods. "I've heard stories from my dad."

"Well, Veronica...if you want a jacket, I know where to get 'em," Archie says. "I can take you."

Veronica grins. "Lead the way, my knight in leather armor. See you later, B. Text me!" She says before leaving with Archie.

Betty laughs. "Stay safe, V! God, she's insane." The blonde turns to face him. "He a friend of yours?"

"Yeah, Archie's my best friend. Been that way since we were just kids running around the Southside," Jughead smiles fondly, leaning against the counter to be beside her. "Are you guys from the other side of the tracks?"

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