Missing him p2

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You and Cole's joint Spotify playlist sounded out in the car as you drove through the now quieter Vancouver streets. Mac Demarco's 'let my baby stay' came on, and you smiled, thinking of when you saw him with Cole at Coachella earlier that year. Cole looked at you and smirked, you knew he was thinking the same thing. You didn't talk much during the short car ride, but you were both flooded with happiness as you sat together, just enjoying being with one another, finally.
You approached the apartment building, and Cole parked his Jeep, you laughed a little as he tried to squeeze it into a too-tight space, but he managed eventually. "I told you so" he bragged, smiling at you and leaning in, eyes closed. You shook your head and smirked.
"Come on you" you said, ruffling his messy black hair, laughing and stepping out of the car. 
"Hey!" he said, rushing to get out the car and do the same to you...
"Don't forget my bag Mister" you scoffed.
"Of course Madam" he said sarcastically.
"Oh what do I do to deserve you" you giggled, walking towards the elevator, then realising you had no idea which direction to go.
He read your mind.
"this way" he pointed, towards a different elevator, dragging your suitcase behind him.
As you came to the door of the apartment, and Cole unlocked the door, he smiled at you, and looked excited.
"What?"  you giggled
"Just wait" he replied, causing your stomach to drop wth anticipation. As he opened the door, you peered in to the loft apartment and saw a picnic blanket laid out in front of the large L-shaped sofa, with twinkling fairy lights surrounding it. You love him, you thought, giggling to yourself.
"Taa-daa" he said gesturing towards the gorgeous apartment, causing you to laugh.
"Shit, Cole" you blurted out, "this place is insane".
"Yeah it's Okay" He sulked
"Are you serious?" you asked
"It's just not home, is it... well, I guess now it feels a bit more like home" He gushed, grabbing for your hand. Your heart sunk, how can this boy be so fucking perfect you thought. You leant in and kissed him, saying "I love you so much" whilst your lips intertwined gently, causing him to mumble "I love you more"  into the kiss simultaneously. Your lips eventually parted and you smiled at one another.
"So, you hungry" he said.
"Starving" you replied. It was 11:30ish now, but you hadn't eaten since the start of the 6 hour flight. You went to go and sit on the blanket, and Cole walked towards the fridge.
"The usual then?" he asked, he could read you like a book, you nodded pleadingly at this suggestion.
"One pepperoni pizza coming up" he replied, tapping the order into an app on his phone. "Beer?" he asked peering into the fridge.
"God, yes" you said. He came and sat next to you on the blanket, two coronas in hand, and placed them on the nearby coffee table. You both sat leaning against the sofa, outstretched legs intertwined, your head on his shoulder, sipping your beers and catching up, finally in person. You showed him new pictures of Yoko and Rocky, although he greeted them on face time most days and squealed into his phone saying 'daddy misses you' as you laughed. He talked to you about his character, his photography and work, and it felt so real to be there with him.
'It's just not the same is it?" You said regretfully, "conversations over the phone and Skype, they're just not as good as this"
"Tell me about it, just being next to you feels insane" he said, pulling you closer into his chest and stroking your arm.
"I love you so much Sprouse" you gushed, turning your head up to face his. The doorbell sounded, interrupting your moment. Cole jumped up to answer it, unwillingly breaking your embrace.  He approached the door, and turned around holding two pizza boxes. "And now I love you even more" you laughed. He placed the boxes on the blanket and grabbed two more beers. He fumbled around for the tv remote and said
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking"
"Game of Thrones perhaps?" You giggled
"My thoughts exactly" he smiled. You were re-watching the series together before he left for filming in June, and you vowed not to watch anymore till you could watch together again. He played the show where you left off, half way through season three, not quite at the 'red wedding' episode yet.
As you ate your pizza and cuddled up watching the tv, you felt so content. The two of you sat there for hours, embracing each other, drinking and chatting, until it was around 2am. Roughly 3 episodes of GoT later.
"Bed?" he asked in a sleepy voice, as you lay together flatter now, your hands on his chest.
"yeah, it's been a long day... but an amazing one" you smiled up at him, and he kissed your forehead, sending shivers down your spine.

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