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Sorry for not being v active!! I have a mini break coming up and school has just been hard, so when the break starts I'll come back with more original content:)

They had all had sneaking suspicions that the Black Hood wasn't gone, but it haunted Jughead more than he let on.

Knowing that Betty had only left him for his safety left Jughead comforted at first. Until the night terrors came.

For the third night in a row, Jughead Jones bolted up in his bed, cold sweat sticking his tanktop to his chest, tears streaming from the tempest behind his stormy blue eyes.

For the third night in a row, Jughead Jones sat on the creaky front step of his worn down trailer, trying to chain smoke away his fears, not even noticing the goosebumps cascading over his body from the cool autumn breeze, because the only thing on his mind was the Black Hood and losing Betty. And how hard his world would shatter if, against all odds, this time it stuck.

The next day, Jughead shuffled down the hall, more morose than usual, with his crown beanie shoved over his ears.

"Juggie!" The human embodiment of sunshine and paradoxes flounced to his side, kissing him soundly on the lips.

"Heya Betts" his voice came out more weary than he had intended.

"What's wrong?" A look of concern flashed over the beautiful face of his girlfriend, the one and only Betty Cooper, green eyes widening as her soft lips jutted out ever so slightly.

"It's nothing."

Betty slipped her small, warm hand into his, squeezing it gently. He knew she didn't believe him, but was nice enough not to press the issue. For now.

Three hours later it was lunch and Jughead's mood had only served to foul more. The anxiety and lack of sleep left him more brooding and moody than usual. But he pressed on, towards the usual lunch table, knowing that seeing Betty would get him through the rest of the day at the golden hellhole that was Riverdale High.

He almost made it to the doors when a hand reached out, tugging him by the sleeve into the Blue and Gold.The door closed as he turned to face her. Betty stood by the door, pale arms crossed over her soft pink blouse.

"What's wrong. You've been acting weird for days, Jug. Talk to me."

He looked down, scuffing his combat boots over the worn tile.

"I don't think the Black Hood is gone." He bit his lower pink until it turned red before he looked up at her. She was a lot closer, reaching out until her hands clasped the front of his dark flannel.

"Me neither. I think we should restart our investigation."

He nodded, focusing his stare on the perfectly manicured hand that still held the front of his shirt.

"That's not it, is it?" Betty's voice was much softer this time, her tone concerned, and if he knew her, which Jughead was pretty sure he did, somewhat afraid.

His eyes flickered up to meet hers, holding her look of love for a few beats before his voice croaked out.


A tear slid unbidden down his cheek for the second time that day. He hastily scrubbed his sleeve over his face, returning his gaze to the ground before he continued, voice hoarse with fear.

"What if he makes you leave again? What if it sticks?"

"Juggie." she murmured, tugging his chin up so he was forced to meet her eyes "I'm not going anywhere. Not without you. Not this time."

As her lips met his, he realized that this time, what was going to stick was their love.This time, they would fight the world if it meant even one more moment in each other's arms.

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