bughead lemons

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When she's jealous, assure her that you love her and only her.

Betty has been in a bad mood lately, Jughead had known that.

When he would try to talk to her, she wouldn't answer.

When he tried to to hold her hand, she pulled away.

At first he had thought that she was refusing him because she fell out of love with him.

But then it hit him, last week, Betty had asked him to come to the movies with her, but he had declined because he had already made plans with Toni to go to a Serpent party.

She had said it was ok, but Jughead knew better.

She was jealous that he was hanging with Toni.

"Ok Betty, I know why your mad" Jughead had started.

"Mad? Me? Im not mad, why'd you think that?" Betty said in a lying voice.

"Betty, ever since I told you I was going to a party with Toni, you've been Ignoring me. So its obvious, your jealous" Jughead said coming to a conclusion.

"What? Jealous? Im not jealous" Betty lied again

"Betty, Stop this , please. At first I had thought that maybe you had stopped loving me, but then I realized that it was all because of Toni. Look Betty, I dont like Toni, My eyes are only set for you" Jughead tried reasoning with his girlfriend.

"Promise?" Betty mumbled

"I promise Betty, you have my heart, now can you please stop Ignoring me?" Jughead asked and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Ok, and sorry for ignoring you, it wont happen again" Betty apologized

"No need to apologize" Jughead said pulling her into a embrace.

"I love you Elizabeth Cooper" Jughead said using her full name.

"And I love you Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third" She replied also using his full name.

Jughead groaned when she said his full name.

"hey you used mine first" Betty said playfully

"Well yours actually sounds good" Jughead said

"I like your name, I think its unique" Betty said smiling up at her boyfriend

"Betty I swear you're going to be the death of me" Jughead said giving her a peck on lips.

"And you'll be the death of me" Betty replied cuddling up to her boyfriend on his couch.

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