(you) Youtuber X Cole

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With you being a famous Youtuber and Cole being a famous actor it was sometimes hard for the two of you to find time together. But when you did, this time was just made 10x better. You'd met during an interview you'd been given the opportunity to run. You had been given the chance to interview Cole, along with KJ, Lili and Camilla. During the interview yourself and Cole had a connection that you couldn't explain. The two of you just clicked and afterwards he approached you, and much to your surprise, asked you for your number. You happily obliged and from that day forward, yourself and Cole had been inseparable. You weren't yet a couple much to your longing, but to someone on the outside looking in, they could be forgiven for assuming that you and Cole had been boyfriend and girlfriend for years. You might as well be. Everybody commented on how cute you were together and how you basically acted like a couple anyway.

You were currently at Vidcon with your YouTube crew and sitting on the main stage doing a live show. You'd been unbelievably nervous before hand as you always were before a big event. One thing that comforted and encouraged you was that Cole was standing close by, in the stage wings watching you. His presence calmed you somewhat and made you feel so much more confident.

The show was slowly drawing to an end which saddened you as you were starting to get into it and bounce off of the energy that radiated from the crowd. They cheered as you stated that the show was over. Your eyes began to well up as you took in all that you had achieved. All of the young people you'd inspired with your work. You waved and blew kisses to your adoring fans as you made your way to the wings where Cole waited for you. "We love you Y/N!" You heard them shout. When you were finally away from the public eye you threw your arms around Cole's neck. He embraced you tightly, wrapping his strong arms around your smaller frame. "You were amazing Y/N, I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed whilst hugging you. To hear that he was proud of you was something you had never imagined to hear from Cole, and it honestly melted your heart. What you did was nothing in comparison to his hard work, yet he still acknowledged and praised you for it, which meant more than you could ever express. You thanked him before Cole informed you that the rest of the crew were waiting for the two of you at an ice cream place just down the road. Your eyes lit up at the mention of ice cream and you followed Cole eagerly, excited by the promise of the cold, delicious treat.

The two of you entered the ice cream parlour and spotted non-other than KJ, Lili and Camilla seated around a table in the corner. You made your way over to them excitedly and embraced them all tightly. You were so thankful that they'd come to vidcon solely to support you. You'd visited the Riverdale set so many times to support them all so they saw it only as repaying the favour. Once you were firmly in your seat and babbling with Lili and Camilla, Cole approached you from behind and placed a large hand on your back. You turned your head to look up at him. "I'm just gonna use the little boy's room, I'll be back in a minute." You nodded to him as he sauntered off. You then turned back to your friends. "So are you and Cole a thing yet?" Camilla asked, resting her head upon her hand so she could get a better view of your face when quizzing you. "What? No of course not!" You giggled, in attempt to cover the fact that there is nothing you would desire more. "Cut the crap Y/N. We know you're both head over heels for each other!" Lili rolled her eyes at your bad acting. It was a good job they were the actors and not you. You were just about to open your mouth to object when KJ cut in. "Yeah it's quite annoying actually, all Cole ever talks about is you. It's cute and everything but there's only so many times I can hear about your 'flowing hair' before I want to cut it off!" He laughed and you turned bright red at the thought of Cole talking and thinking about you so often. Your stomach was suddenly plagued with butterflies. Did he really feel that way?

"What are you lot saying about me? Nothing bad I hope." You heard Cole's voice from behind you again. You whipped your head around to butt in before anyone else could. "Nothing! We were just saying how very kind it was of you to come to Vidcon and support me!" You covered, mentally wiping the sweat off of your brow at your quick save. The others giggled at your efforts. Your eyes suddenly flickered to the two ice creams in Cole's hands. Once he was seated beside you he handed one to you and you hesitantly took it from him. "Cole you didn't have to-" you began, but he quickly cut you off before you were able to finish. "No but I wanted to! You were amazing up there today. Am I not allowed to treat you?" He asked rhetorically. A huge grin found its way onto your face as you placed a soft kiss onto his cheek, however the moment was quickly ruined by the two girls sat I opposite you. "Awwwww you guys!" They exclaimed. "You two are adorable, when the hell are you gonna stop being so stubborn and admit that you're in love?" Camilla asked and you rolled your eyes. "Camiiiii.." you wined, and rested your head on Cole's shoulder as you began to demolish your ice cream.

The five of you consumed many ice creams as you sat giggling and simply enjoying each other's presence. You were so happy to have found people who brought out the best in you, and you thought about how much more happy you would be if you and Cole were a couple. You started to ponder the idea of him ever asking you to be his girlfriend. Your head was still resting upon his shoulder, however this was something you did all the time, and not out of the ordinary. You were suddenly brought out of your thought as Cole nudged your head with his shoulder. He lowered his head to meet your ear and so only you could hear what he was about to whisper. "Can we talk after this?" His voice sent shivers down your spine. You were suddenly filled with dread. Maybe he was going to tell you he didn't have feelings for you, or that he didn't want to spend time with you anymore. You nodded your head reluctantly, despite you caution towards the situations.

Slowly the sun began to disappear and you glanced down at your watch to see that it was almost 8pm. The five of you agreed that you aught to be getting back to your hotel rooms, so you all stood from your seats and evacuated the ice cream parlour and went your separate ways once inside the hotel. Your's and Cole's rooms were on the same floor so you made your way to the elevator together. Once inside you stood in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. Slowly, your hands inched closer and closer together, until your pinky fingers were linked, before Cole took your whole hand and intertwined it with his his large one. You didn't look up to him, but instead looked down to the ground as a smile found its way onto your face. Was this really happening?

The two of you exited the lift, hands still linked, and drew to a halt as you arrived outside of your hotel room. You turned to face him and placed a shaking hand upon his chest. "You wanted to talk?" You asked, half excited, half anxious about what he might ask you. "Well I was going to talk, but I'm a strong believer of actions speak louder than words" he informed you and your eyebrows knit together in confusion "so I figured I'd just do this." He finished, and before you had time to register any of it, his lips crashed into yours. You were to stunned to react at first but slowly eased into the kiss. Your hands found a spot to rest on the back of his neck, and his rested on the door on either side of your head. The kiss seemed to last for hours, but eventually you had to pull away, as the need for air became overwhelming. "Well said." You chuckled with the small bit of breath you could muster. He laughed aloud and placed a rough hand upon your soft cheek, stroking it in a circular motion with his thumb. "And now all that's left to do is ask if you'll be my girlfriend?" He whispered close to your ear, so only you could hear. You were slightly taken aback you met his gaze and nodded gently. "Nothing would make me happier!" And with that, Cole picked you up by your waist and spun you around as fast as possible in the small corridor. He placed you back down onto the ground and pressed a second, shorter kiss to your lips. "I was hoping you'd say that." And after one more short kiss, Cole began to walk away, backwards, his gaze never leaving yours until he was inside his hotel room, and you were sure you'd never been so happy

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