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"Everyone is born with a demon m/n." A mother stated to her 7 year old son who became sitting on her lap. "So is this is why my daddy is a demon?" M/n requested his mom who nodded her head considering her deceased husband. "So its okay if I dont marry a human, and marry a demon?" M/n asked surprising his mom however she smiled and nodded.

"Yes you may marry demon ladies if you like honey." M/n quickly shook his head. "But I dont like ladies mommy!they are weird!" M/n said making his mom giggle. "So I'm weird?" M/n fast shook his head. "You're by no means weird!you're my mommy!" M/n said as he were given off her lap and hugged her as she knew she become blessed by having you. You

"But mommy,how will you know when you find your demon?" M/n requested. "Once you discover your self demon,your both will feel warm in each other embrace and want to live like that forever.

You bowed and waved good-bye to the customer. "Good-bye have a pleasing night!" You stated seeing the demon woman and her friends smile and wave lower back. One of your coworkers slash friends got here over to you smiling and patted your back. "Thanks for coming in on a day off again m/n!" Jimin stated smiling as you smiled returned him. "Its okay hyung!I dont mind supporting out." You stated returning the smile as you completed wiping down the tables.

"You can head home m/n, thanks a lot for today!" You thanked him as you grabbed your stuff leaving after you stated good-bye to the other coworkers. Since you dont stay that a long way you just walked lower back to your residence,but while taking walks your gut was telling you some thing became going to happen.

When you started out drawing close the alleyway you normally bypass with the aid of but this time some thing turned into telling you to undergo there. And you did. You walked quite brief trying to hurry up home but that changed into earlier than you tripped over a person's foot and nearly fell bit caught yourself.

You heard a pained groan come from someplace as you looked again to peer what you tripped over changed into a person foot. "Oh I'm sorry,didnt see you there." You stated taking walks closer to the unknown character well demon actually. You looked at him seeing his lovely sugary skin and his black hair alongside seeing black and white wings. "Are you okay?" You requested seeing a cut on his cheek and a small cut on his backside lip.You

"To be pretty honest,I feel like complete utter shit." Yoongi said resting his head on the brick wall as he heard a small laugh from you making his stomach do a flip. "Do you want me to treatment you up?My residence isnt a long way from here?" You requested him as Yoongi just nodded his head feeling like he can believe you.

You smiled and stood up forwarding your hand closer to him. "My name is m/n." "Mines Yoongi." Yoongi stated as he took your hand as you pulled him up carefully. Yoongi felt a wave of warmness undergo his frame as you felt the identical making Yoongi have a look at you wide eyes abruptly blushing. "Let's go get you cured up yoongi-ssi~!"

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