☯ 여섯 ☯

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You entered the cafe with Yoongi at the back of you holding onto your hand, his wings disappeared due to the fact Yoongi didnt need them out. "Hey m/n~!" Jimin stated smiling as he waved at you, you returning the gesture as Yoongi stood behind you but jimin noticed him.

"Hi~! Who is that behind you m/n?" Yoongi tensed as you felt it however smiled. "Hyung don't be rude~introduce your self to my boss." You stated smiling to him as Yoongi seeing him now standing next to you. Without letting move of your hand Yoongi looked at jimin.

"Um, I'm yoongi..And um I'm m/n demon." Yoongi said now not feeling as fearful as a great deal feeling you rub your thumb over his skin softly. Jimin squeal happily. "M/n are your certain he is your hyung? He looks so cute~!" You nodded chuckling softly. "He's 26." Jimin gasped taking walks as much as Yoongi and squishing his face seeing his face get squished up made him appearance cuter.You

"Okay jimin, let's get to work." Jimin smiled and nodded letting move of his cheeks.You looked at Yoongi as he checked out you. "Hyung, I about to begin working, um do you want to head the room in which jimins demons are?" You asked him seeing him simply nod as he accompanied you.

"Um what do you mean demons?" Yoongi requested you as you answered. "Ah, jimin became given 2 demons and that's rare. Yoongi let out a small 'oh' as you both stopped in the front of a door as you opened it seeing families humans.

You were pulled faraway from Yoongi making your arms rip other than his arms getting crushed by way of a hug. "M/n hyung!" Jimin demons, taehyung and Jungkook hugged you tightly making you laugh. "Hey thing 1 and thing 2." You said pulling away making them pout.You

"Hyung~! Stop calling us that!" Jungkook whined making you snicker as you grabbed yoongis hand bringing him nearer making him happy internally and warm. Thing 1-I imply taehyung smirked seeing you maintain yoongis hand.You

"Hyung who this~?" You smiled chuckling a touch. "This is Yoongi hyung, he's my demon and he is perhaps going to coming back here often, so try to get used to him and treat him with respect." You stated giving them a stern appearance. They nodded and checked out yoongi and bowed. "Hello Yoongi hyung, I'm taehyung and that's Jungkook, he is the golden maknae." Taehyung stated as yoongi back the gesture.

"Alright I'm gonna cross begin working, see you later hyung." You said seeing him nod as you left waving good-bye to him. Yoongi felt cold, shiver a bit as he looked at thing 1 and thing 2 seeing them sitting down watching TV. "Um..You guys aren't cold?" Yoongi requested then seeing them shake their heads as he sat down in a chair.You

"No, we made a pact." Jungkook said as they confirmed Yoongi their bracelets. "Oh, so thats why." Yoongi said nodding as they continued simply looking TV. After perhaps like an hour Yoongi turned into getting too cold for his liking as he stood up. "I-im too cold." Yoongi said strolling out the room quickly looking to find his warmness.You

Yoongi walked to the the front of the cafe seeing a number of humans made him sense a littlest little bit of anxiety increase seeing them look at him weird. Yoongi then noticed you, quickly rushing to you he quickly hugged you burying his head to your chest surprising you a bit. Yoongi felt heat masking his at the same time as frame as he heard human beings coo'ing and aww'ing at yoongis motion seeing him snuggled intently to you.

You smiled softly and used your hand and softly caressed his head softly with a tray for your different hand. Yoongi allow move and held onto your hand feeling heat and do need want to allow cross as you walked to a desk with two ladies chatting along. You set their beverages down as they looked at you and Yoongi making one among the girls squeal. "He's so cute!" The girl fangirled as her friend agreed making Yoongi blush and also you chuckled.

"Thank you. Enjoy your beverages ladies." You bowed barely and walked returned to the counter and set the tray down. "Sorry jimin." Jimin smiled shaking his head. "Its okay, go ahead." You smiled and nodded taking Yoongi in the back and hugged him. Yoongi blushed but just permit it pass and hugged you back letting you warm him up.ahead

You rubbed his back sending shivers through his body. "Sorry I left you so long without warming you up hyung." You said hugging him along with your arms round his waist bringing him near as Yoongi just permit you, liking the warmness.

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