Rich x Reader (Be More Chill)

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A/N: Hi! This is a platonic relationship between Rich and you, the reader. I just wanted to disclaim that.

"Evan! Stop it!" Y/N yelled as their twin brother pulled them toward the school

"B-but, Y/N, we have to meet Connor! He wants to introduce us to his friend!" Evan cried

"Evan, It's Connor, he's not going to kill us if we're not ten minutes early."

Evan continued pulling Y/N despite their protests. Y/N was secretly happy that Evan was confident enough to still drag them behind him.

"Evan!" Y/N heard Connor call

"C-Connor!" Evan stated and let go of Y/N

"Yo." Y/N said throwing up a peace sign

"S-so, this friend of y-yours?" Evan stuttered

"His name is Rich Goranski. He's the one who set Jake Dillinger's house on fire." Connor stated leading Evan and Y/N out  of the school

Connor lead the two to the back of the school. A boy with dyed hair and tan-ish skin waited for them.

"Rich!" Connor called

The Boy looked up and smiled.

"Tho, Con, thethe are the thwo you wanted to introduce me to?" Rich asked with a lisp

"Yeah, this is Evan, my boyfriend. And his sibling, Y/N." Connor introduced, "Guys, this is Rich."

"I-it's a-awesome to m-meet you!" Evan stuttered

"Yeah, you seem cool." Y/N said calmly

Rich's attention turned to Evans twin. Rich's smile grew as he stared. Y/N started feeling sort of uncomfortable.

"Hey! Why don't we all hit Pinkberry after school?" Rich suggested

"I'm cool with that. Evan? Y/N?" Connor stated

"I'm down." Y/N shrugged

Evan only nodded. Rich took off, assumingely to his class.

"Woah, that was awesome!" Connor stated once Rich had left

"What?" Evan asked

"Y/N is the only person Rich hasn't flirted with yet!" Connor cheered

"Wow, thanks Con." Y/N glared, " I've got to get to American History. I'll see you guys on the steps after school."

~Time Skip~

After a torturingly long school day, Y/N met their brother and Connor outside. Connor led them to his car, where Rich was waiting.

"Off my roof you fucker!" Connor yelled seeing Rich sitting on the roof of his car

"Yeah, yeah, whathever, Con." Rich rolled his eyes, " I'll thit in the back so Evan can thit with you."

" Can I sit in the trunk?" Y/N asked

" Nah, sit with Rich. That way he can't play his shitty music." Connor said

"My music is a masterpiece you asshole!"

Y/N sighed and sat behind Connor. Evan looked back reassuringly at his twin. Unsure of their feelings toward Rich.

After about a ten minute drive the arrived at Pinkberry. Y/N ran to the door and opened it for the boys.

"Yusssssss! Strawberry Kiwi is my jam!" Y/N cheered

The boys watched in amusement as Y/N put every topping imaginable on their froyo. Once they'd calmed down, they sat with the boys. Rich smiles at Y/N.

"Y'know, Richie? Maybe you're not so bad!" Y/N giggled

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