Musical Characters as Things my Friends and I have Said

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Ted: "I feel like Shrek."
Emma: "Eat a giant pile of SHUT THE FUCK UP"
Bill: "Vigorous butt-rubbing is not a phrase I wanted to hear."
Charlotte: "I have nine cats, five dogs, and we used to have a horse." "What the fuck kind of farm do you live on?"

Michael: "Oh hey, I've only had three panic attacks today!"
Jeremy: "I'm not saying i'm gay, but I'd fuck Rich Goranski." (I said that during choir)
Christine: "Jesus Christ, why can't we do Falsettos?" "Someone dies from AIDS in that!" "I WISH I COULD DIE FROM AIDS"
Rich: "Okay so this girls ass is huge and she's super sweet, but this dude is super hot and I think I got a boner looking at him."
Jake: "Can I please bring beer to your house." "What the fuck no!" "B-but beer" "WE ARE FOURTEEN"
Jenna: "I just pinky promised my friend I wouldn't tell anyone this secret, then I vibe checked that promise by telling her boyfriend."
Brooke: "Okay, but somebody please put frozen yogurt in my coffin." "What flavor" "I don't fucking know!"
Chloe: "Does this shirt make me look like a hoe?" "Every shirt makes you look like a hoe, because you are a hoe."

Evan: "Can I jump out of the tree?" "No you'll hurt yourself." *jumps* *sprains wrist* "I told you, you dumb bitch" (That was my brother and I. I jumped)
Connor: "So just being clear, I can't kill myself?"
Jared: "I have most of the Shrek movies AND those god-awful Percy Jackson movies"
Zoe: "Can I marry someone who isn't a dumbass?"
Alana: "It's not my fault i'm smarter than you!"

A/N: Hey! Have this filler while I work on a request! I need motivation and I currently have none. But, I'm trudging along! I'll have done soon!-Oliver💕

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