Ted x Fem!Matthews!Reader (Highschool AU)

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A/N- Hey guys this was a request from @oofsaur ! I really hope you like it!

Monday's are the worst. After a lazy weekend with her brother Y/N Matthews was loathing the idea of going back to school. But, she had to leave in about two minutes or Paul would leave her at home.
"Come on, Y/N! We're gonna be late, again!" Paul shouted from the kitchen
"Sorry! Sorry!" Y/N called back
She grabbed her backpack and ran down the stairs. Paul rolled his eyes at his sister. Everyday she made him late, which made him unable to see Emma of a morning.
"Let's get going, Taco." Paul said grabbing his keys
"Alright, Oak Tree!"Y/N replied
Paul jokingly ruffled Y/N's hair and went to the garage. Y/N followed close behind and slung herself into the front seat. They lived fairly close to Sycamore High, but they always wanted to leave early so that Paul could see his girlfriend who goes to Hatchetfield High.
"God, this sucks." Paul started, "I never get to see Emma anymore!"
"Invite her over for dinner. Tell mom and dad that you have a project or something and then hang out in your room." Y/N replied absent minded
Paul turned his head to his sister and cocked an eyebrow.
"How do you know all that?"Paul mocked, "Could it be because of our precious Teddy?"
Y/N's face glowed a bright red. Ted Richards was a good friend of Paul. He was on the soccer team and was on the debate team. Y/N had a huge crush on him since she was in sixth grade.
"Shut up!"Y/N snapped and put in her earbuds
Paul rolled his eyes and turned into his parking spot. He nudged his sister and got out of the car. Y/N followed suit and got out of beat up Jeep.
Paul and Y/N walked side by side into the school.
"So, Taco, do you have any classes with him?" Paul asked, referring to Ted
"No, Oak Tree, I don't. Now please stop." Y/N replied
"I'm your older brother! I'm supposed to annoy you!"
Y/N rolled her eyes and took off up the staircase dodging her fellow juniors who also hated their lives. She finally made it to her A+ Teacher's room, Mr.Gutierrez.
"Morning, Mr.G!" Y/N called as she sat at his desk
"Morning,Miss Matthews!" Mr.G replied from his podium
Y/N loved his room. She got to be in here three times a day. Once for A+, another for Chamber Choir, and a third for Advisory. She also came in during passing period, lunch, and if she was allowed to, to work on projects.
One of the Freshman came up to Y/N as the Women's Choir started filtering in. Her name
was Charlotte Mayweather.
"Hey, Char, what's up?" Y/N asked
"My neighbor, Ted, and I were hanging out last night and he said to give this to you." Charlotte said, handing Y/N a note
"Thanks, Charlotte. I'll bring in some Rolos for you tomorrow."
Charlotte squealed and ran off to the risers. Y/N opened the note.
Hey, we haven't talked in a while. Meet me at Beanies after school? 3PM?
                                                           Teddy Bear
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. No, stop it Y/N. He just wants to catch up.

The day dragged by. It always seems to do that when Y/N looks forward to something. After school she almost immediately rushed to Beanies. It was a few miles away so she tried to get there quickly. Finally, she got there. She opened the front door, no bell jingled. Y/N scanned the coffee shop to find her Ted. But, when her eyes landed on him, her heart broke.

He was sitting with another girl. Who was holding his hand. Y/N didn't wait to leave, she immediately ran out the door and down the block. Closer to the offices of her mom's friend, Mr.Davidson.
Walking in, she found one of Paul's friends who had graduated a year before. Bill.
"Hey, Bill." Y/N said
"Oh, hey, Y/N-wait, are you okay?" Bill asked
Y/N started crying even harder.
"No..." Y/N stated, "Can I call Paul on your phone?"
"Yeah, sure kiddo. You sit down. I'll go get you some Hot Coco from the break room." Bill said, "That always makes me feel better."
Bill came back about three minutes later. Soon after, Paul pulled up and took Y/N home.

[Time Skip]

The next morning Y/N actually got up on time. She made herself presentable, wearing jeans and a nice tank top. Applying light makeup. No need to cry over a boy who doesn't like you back. Just ignore him.

In Mr.G's room, Y/N sat in her usual spot. Soon enough, Charlotte came up to Y/N as she usually does.
"Ted said you didn't show up." Charlotte said
"Oh, I did. But when I got there he and this other girl were making goo-goo eyes. So i left," Y/N said

At lunch Y/N was heading to the library. She usually sat with the librarians and ate lunch. They were super nice and loved talking with Y/N. As she got in and dragged over a chair to sit with them someone called her name.
"Y/N!" It was Ted
Y/N walked over to him.
"Hey, you didn't-" Ted couldn't finish
Y/N slapped him. Hard. Rage fueled.
"What the fuck?" Ted asked
"Next time you invite a girl- especially one who likes you- to catch up, make sure you're not with your damn girlfriend when she shows up." Y/N snapped and went back to her seat near the librarians

After school Paul and her headed home. In the car Paul started the conversation.
"Ted says you slapped him?" Paul asked
"Yes. Yes I did." Y/N replied shortly
"Good job, kid."
Y/N looked at him, a small grin on her face.

~Time Skip~
It had been a week since the coffee shop incident. Y/N had been getting worse and worse mentally. Why the hell would Ted invite her if he was going to be with his girlfriend? Maybe he found out that Y/N liked him and was going to let her down.

By the next Tuesday Y/N could barely force herself out of bed and faked the flu. Easy enough for her. Throw on some pale foundation and heat up the thermometer on a lamp.  She laid in bed doing nothing at all. Staring at the ceiling.

At around 3 Pm Paul came home from school. But, it sounded like there was more than one voice with him.

"Y/N i'm home!"Paul yelled, " I brought you egg drop soup from the chinese restaurant."

Y/N rolled off her bed and landed on the floor with a thump. She pulled herself up and trudged down the stairs. Where she found Paul with her soup and Ted.

"I came down for the soup."Y/N stated, "Don't talk to me."

Paul cracked a smile and handed her the soup and a spoon. Ted looked really upset. Y/N sat down on the couch and turned on Netflix.

"Yo, Paul! Do you wanna watch Shrek: The Musical with me?" Y/N called
"Yeah, be right there Taco! I'll pop some popcorn!" Paul called back

Ted slowly came in and sat on the chair across the room from Y/N. Y/N glared at Ted with venom in her eyes.
Y/N ignored him as best she could. But, Ted kept aggressively clearing his throat. In an obvious attempt to get her to look at him.
Paul still hadn't finished the fucking popcorn and Y/N was getting angry.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT, TED!" Y/N bellowed after about the eleventh throat clearing
"I want to apologize and explain myself." Ted states quietly
"Fine. Do that." Y/N growled, "Just stop clearing your damn throat."
Ted smirked.
"Okay, so the girl you saw me
with. That was one of the barista's there. Emma Perkins, actually-"Ted started
"Emma? Paul's girlfriend?" Y/N butted in
Ted nodded
"She has seen me come in. So, she came over and was talking to me. When I mentioned you were meeting me she started giving me advice." Ted continued, "I told her I didn't think you liked me back and a bunch of other bullshit so she grabbed my hand and tried to make me feel better."
Y/N looked at the ground then her head snapped back up.
"Wait, that I didn't like you back?" Y/N asked
Ted nodded, blushing as he realized what he'd said.
"You fucking moron. How dense are you dumbass? I've liked you since Paul brought you home for dinner that first time." Y/N cackled
Ted looked up and saw her laughing so he let out a slight chuckle too.
"But, yeah, no. I definitely like you back." Y/N continued
Ted walked over and leaned in to kiss her. Y/N held her hand up and pushed his face back.
"Buy me dinner first."

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