Racetrack Higgins x Reader

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A/N: This is a modern AU, just throwing that out there

Walking through the hallways I tried to avoid any and everyone I could. Eyes down watching the feet around me.
Unfortunately, feet don't tell you when Oscar and Morris Delancey decide to try to trip you. I hit the ground the two boys cackling.
"Haha haha," I mocked them, "Good job, bitches. You not only made me drop my papers but yourselves late for class!"
The bell rang as I said the last part. Their faces dropped, they had ISS now. I knew it because they'd had too many tardies. They were always late to whatever class they had. They're dumbasses, really.

"Hey, need some help?" I heard a male voice ask

"Nah, I'm alright. I'm used to it. You should go you're going to be super late." I stated swiping up all of my papers and quickly standing

The boy in question was Anthony Higgins, most kids called him Racetrack because he's a track star. The kid broke three records his Freshman year. I had to interview him for my journalism class.

"Oh, you're Anthony, right?" I asked just to be polite, I didn't really know the boy

"O-oh, yeah. And you're Y/N?" He replied, "We met in like Freshman year, because of the track stuff. I, um, liked the article you wrote."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Yeah, because it was about you!"

He turned a scarlet red.

"Oh, no! T-that's not what I meant! I meant you have great writing skills." Anthony replies

"Well, thank you," It was my turn to blush, "We'd better get to our classes. See you around?"

He nodded his head vigorously, with a
wide smile then tried to play it cool.

"I would like that." He replied, "I'll see you later!"

Anthony and I ran in opposite directions. As I got into English class I didn't care about Mrs.Hamilton scolding my tardiness. I just sighed because goddammit, Anthony Higgins is adorable.

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