Henry Hidgens x Reader (Highschool AU)

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A/N: Okay, so in this one Henry, Ted, Paul, Emma, and everyone else are all in the same grade to make it less creepy.  Cool. Enjoy the story! -Ollie💕

Henry Hidgens, class president, president of the drama club, and over-all good guy.
Y/N L/N, quiet kid, president of the book club, and head lighting tech for the theatre department.
Senior year started off normally enough. Classes, Book club, and conversations with the theater teacher Mrs.Fleetwood. That was until tech rehearsals for their school musical, The Pirates of Penzance, started.
Paul, Ted, and Bill sat at their usual table when their sleep deprived friend sat down.
"Holy shit, Y/N, you look like hell." Ted stated poking the bags under their eyes
"Shut the fuck up, Ted. My head is dying. I want to throw myself off a cliff." Y/N said, "And I would if they didn't need me on lighting for Pirates."
"Oh, no, it's gotten that bad. Hasn't it?" Paul asked
Y/N nodded and leaned into his side, hoping for a small nap before their next class.
"I'll go grab you a tea from the vending machine."Bill offered, "Want to come, Ted?"
Ted vigorously nodded his head and jumped up.
"Why am I like this?" Y/N asked
"What do you mean?" Paul replied
"Why can't I say no to anyone? Why do I screw up everything I do?"
"You don't though."
Y/N looked at her best friend and glared at him.
"Don't lie to me." Y/N growled
"He's not lying." A new voice entered the chat
Y/N looked over and saw it was Henry Hidgens, the boy who was playing Fredric.
"You're very good at everything you decide to do. Though you might want to take some time for yourself." Henry said before walking off
Paul looked down at Y/N as Y/N returned the eye contact.
"Who the fuck talks like that?" Y/N asked
Up in the lighting booth Y/N was struggling to not go to sleep. There were three people on lighting crew. Both of which were dealing with other issues that were happening with deck. So, Y/N  was left alone to operate it all while the others worked downstairs.
Y/N finally felt their eyes slip shut. Unaware of what was happening.
After what felt like three seconds the door to the lighting booth slammed open. Scaring Y/N shitless and causing them to fall off of their chair.
"Oh, good, Y/N you're alright. The lights weren't changing so Mrs.Fleetwood sent me up to check on you." It was Henry, again
Y/N glared at the boy.
"Tell Mrs.Fleetwood I need to go home. I haven't been feeling well." Y/N said picking up
their bag
Henry nodded and walked downstairs next to them.
"I'll tell Paul and Ted to check on you after rehearsal. See you tomorrow." Henry said going back into the auditorium
Y/N nodded and walked out to their car. Their beat-up, wide as all hell, shitty-ass Impala. They opened the door and slung their bag into the passenger seat before sitting behind the wheel. Y/N looked at the High School before them and burst into tears.
"Why am I like this?" Y/N mumbled through their tears, " I can't even do lighting right."
Suddenly, they heard a knock on their window. Looking over it was Paul. Who had been at rehearsal. Y/N rolled down their window and wiped their tears.
"Hey, Henry told me to check on you after rehearsal but I figured you'd take a minute to get out so I thought i'd check on you now."Paul started, "Are you okay?"
"No!" Y/N cried, " I don't know what's happening and I just screwed up the one thing that makes me happy!"
Paul nodded and opened their car door.
"Come on. Let's go inside. You can rant to me and cry or take a nap, okay?" Paul asked
"Okay." Y/N sniffled
Paul led them into the school once again. Other actors stared as Paul walked with them all the way to the band room. The one place they both knew no one would be.
"So, what's wrong?"Paul asked his best friend
"I don't know. I'm just tired and I don't have any motivation." Y/N started, "But, i'm stressed out about everything so I have to have to motivation."
Paul nodded.
"Okay, I can't solve the motivation or stress thing." Paul said, "But, lay down and take a nap. I'll come get you when rehearsal is over."
Y/N nodded and laid down. They slept dreamlessly. Peacefully. No dreams of overdue work or failing AP Lit & Comp.
A light shake is what woke them up. Their eyes opened and saw a figure in front of them. Still a bit blurry due to them waking up merely seconds ago.
"Hey, Paul has to leave early. He hurt his ankle. But, he told me to come wake you up and walk you to your car." It was Henry, once again
"Okay."Y/N mumbled, "Why have you just started noticing me? Do you like me or something? Because I definitely like you."
Y/N brain dead self took a moment to process what their mouth had just said. Immediately they sat straight up and a light blush coated their cheeks.
"Oh, I, uh..." Y/N stammered to the boy who was also blushing
He looked to the ground for a minute. When he looked up his eyes met Y/N's. Then he was leaning in. Finally his lips made contact with their's. Which was the best feeling in the world. Making butterflies go off in Y/N's stomach.
"I, uh, yes, I do like you." Henry said grabbing their hands and pulling them off the ground

Hope you liked this one! I've been working on it for a bit. Please request! I'd really appreciate it. Otherwise y'all are just going to get TGWDLM stuff. -Ollie💕

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