TGWDLM x Reader

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Paul, my brother, was singing? Oh, hell no, that was not Paul. I looked around for something to help Emma. Anything to help her. I saw the gun I had taken off that cop yesterday when we were in the alley. I grabbed it and pretended to dance and sing with Paul and the others.
"The apotheosis is upon us!" Paul cried
I held my breath as I turned around and shot him. The other musical devils ran away. I looked down and watched him bleed out. Holy fuck, I just shot my brother.
"Y/N!" Emma cried tackling me into a hug
Colonel Schaeffer came back in and saw Paul on the floor.
"What the hell happened?" she asked
"H-he was one of them! I panicked!" I cried out, the shock finally wearing off
Colonel Schaeffer quickly rushed us out and got us on the plane to Colorado. Emma and I begged to stay together.  PEIP relented and allowed us to stay together.
When we got there we settled in and started our pot farm.

~Two Years Later~
The nightmares had gotten worse. Paul singing- me shooting him- him crying out to me. God, it was awful. It's been two years! I should be over this! Shouldn't I?
Emma was out at the greenhouse starting up the irrigation system when I heard the knock. I went to the door expecting it to be our neighbor, Ms.Call. She always complains when I scream because of the nightmares.

"Hey, Ms.Call, I'm really sorry about the screaming. I just have a lot of nightmares." I started, "And we don't really have money to get me a therapist."

I knew that voice.
I looked up. It was Paul. My hand flew to my mouth and tears poured down my face.
"No! No! No!"I cried, "You're dead! I watched you die! I killed you!"
Paul gripped my wrists and made me look into his eyes.
"Sis! Sis, look at me!" Paul stated, "I am right here! I am not dead!"
I lurched into his chest. We just stood there hugging for forever.

A/N: Hey guys, it's Ollie! I write for most Starkid musicals now! Also, I write for actors too, not just characters! Also, let me know if you want a part two to this!

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