Falsettos x Reader

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Y/N's POV:
It all started that day. Dad got Mom and Mendel's wedding invitation. He was livid, but I never thought he'd go that far.
"You say you'll love him until you both die!" Dad yelled, " You die on May 27th at 8!"

Dad stormed around the living room, angry at everything. Mendel held my twin brother, Jason, and I close. Then, dad slapped her. He slapped mom. My hands flew to my face in abject horror.

"Dad?" I asked, my voice cracking

My father looked at me with remorse deep in his eyes. Jason took my hand and pulled me toward him.

"I never wanted to love you." Dad said before leaving

~Time Skip (Two Years Later)~

It's been two years since the accident. Jason, Mom and, Mendel all get along with Dad. But, not me. He doesn't care about me, he only wants to see his face in Jason's. I don't go to his house on the weekends. I hide out in my room when he comes to pick up Jason. I avoid him at all of Jason's baseball games.

Mom may not agree with it but I keep in touch with Whizzer. Jason asked me to invite him to his next baseball game. Whizzer said he'd be there.

So, it's time for Jason's baseball game. Whizzer hadn't show yet. Dad was trying to start a conversation with me.

"So, Y/N, how's school?" Dad asked
"It's fine." I replied, not even looking at him
"Have you met Charlotte and Cordelia?"
"Do you want to come with Jason to my house this weekend?"
Dad stopped after I told him I wouldn't go to his house. All of the adults were yelling at Jason to slide. But, my eyes were attracted to my friend, Whizzer, who had finally showed up. I got out of my seat and went to him.

"Hey, Whizzer!" I stated, happily
"Hey, Y/N!" Whizzer replied, "How's it going?"
"Meh. Dad keeps trying to talk to me."

Whizzer raised his eyebrows and saw Marvin on the bleachers.

"Ah, still upset with him?" Whizzer asked
"Yes!" I stated

Whizzer laughed and walked off to help Jason with his swing. I thought, maybe if Whizzer can forgive my dad I can too?

"Hey, Dad?" I asked

Mendel turned around to look at me. But, I shook my head. He nodded and turned back around. I turned toward Marvin.

"Hey, Dad?" I repeated, making direct eye contact

"Oh, uh, yeah?" He asked, obviously startled by my sudden desire to speak with him

"How's work going?" I asked

Marvin seemed shocked. But, I just smiled at him. He told me about everything that had happened in the past week.

"Oh, dad?" I asked as we got ready to leave
"Yeah, Y/N?" Marvin replied
"Can I come with Jason this weekend?"

Hey guys! I got really obsessed with Falsettos lately. So, I've been on a bit of a binge.

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