Chapter 7

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Mojo came out, Butch put me behind him. I glared at Mojo.

"Butch why are you protecting this girl?" Mojo asked.

"Shes not just any girl." Butch said. Him and his brothers know our real identies. I laughed and Mojo glared at me.

"Im just anygirl." I smiled and pulled out my combact. "Im Buttercup also. Powered Buttercup!" I yelled and transformed.

Mojo looked shocked and I smiled. I pulled out my hammer and slammed my hammer into the ground. Mojo stumbeld.

"Strong Butch!" Butch yelled and transfromed. Mojo slammed me into the ground. Butch grabbed him and slammed him up to the tree.

"Why Butch, Why her?" Mojo said with hurt in his voice.

"Cause............ I love her, Mama." Butch said as he slammed Mojo into the tree. Mojo huffed and flipped over Mojo.

"See ya later Mama!" Butch yelled as Mojo ran off. Butch turned towards me.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah.. I do." He said as he rubbed the back off his head. I smiled and ran up to hug him. He picked me up and swung me around. We untransformed.

"Now its your turn." Butch said.

"My turn what?" I asked whiling joking.

"Say the words."


"Cause I know you like me."

"Fine, Butch. I. Love. You." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" He asked while he put me down.

"I said. I love you Butch!" I yelled as my vioce echoed through the forest.

"I heard the first time." He said while he chuckled.

"Bitch!" I yelled as I play punch him on the arm. He chuckled.

"Guess what?"


"I won the bet." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"What esle did you win?" I asked him. He smiled.

"I won you." He said as he leaned down. Our noses touch, our foreheads is pressing together. I smiled and he smirk.

"I love you too." Butch said as he pressed his lips to mine. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pulled apart and looked straight into my eyes. I smirk and he hugged me tighter.

"Will you Buttercup, go out with me, sir Butch." He said as I laughed.

"While yes sir Butch." I said as he swing me around. I giggled and I was shocked.

"You know you should giggle more often." He said as I shooked my head. He smiled and nodded his head.

"Tommorow meet me at the schools soccer field." Butch said.

"Yeah ok." I said as I walked to Blossoms car.

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