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"Ahh, yes, I remember you," the older man pointed at Loki and then his eyes flicked to me, "and you, yes. So sorry about the, well, accident." He winked and poked my nose.
I bit the inside of my cheek harshly, and Loki threw an arm over my shoulder, holding me in place so I wouldn't lunge at the foul man.
I felt vulnerable and uncomfortable. I wanted nothing more than to be invisible to the prying eyes of others, but instead I smiled tightly at those that looked.
"I hope things haven't been too troubling here, Loki." The Grand Master spoke, his smug face irritated me.
"Of course not, Grand Master. In fact, dear Cain--" Loki hugged me tighter to him with his arm, jostling our bodies, "--and I were, well, considering staying." Loki gave a cheeky grin, and I wanted to roll my eyes. Nonetheless, I was impressed by his ability to act. The Grand Master broke into a grin, adjusting his robe.
"Well, gee that just makes me so glad," the man gushed, "as soon as we get a new competitor, you can see my champion in action!" The man clapped a hand on to Loki's shoulder.
After the conversation with the less-than-Grand Master, Loki pulled me away. I shuffled along in the romper he had forced me into.
"Alright, all that's left to do for now is relax and enjoy the party." Loki grinned mischievously, grabbing a glass of a champagne-like drink, then grabbing another and holding it out to me.
I hesitated before reaching out and taking it from him. His grin grew wider, somehow, and he held his glass out. I lightly tapped my glass against his own and brought the fizzing drink to my lips.

I stumbled quietly into the room. My armor laid where I left it, as did everything else, and I slouched onto the bed. I hummed a tune Thor taught me softly to myself as I removed the gladiator sandals Loki had found for me, then discarded the long olive-colored dress shortly after.
I found clothes in the wardrobe, like Loki told me, and settled for a night dress, which fell just above my knees.
"You know that song?" A voice questioned, making me jump and cover myself, moving to a defensive position. I relaxed when I saw Loki with his hands raised and a smirk on his lips.
"My apologies, dear," he teased, making me scowl and flick his forehead, still invisible. However, instead of connecting with his head, my finger moved through what I thought was him, but turned out to just be a magic image.
"Sorry about that, I didn't want to actually intrude. I assume Thor taught it to you, then? The song, I mean?" He grinned cheekily, making me roll my eyes.
"I'm going to get some sleep, Loki," I hinted, hoping he would leave me be. Without another word, he had retracted his projection and I was alone.
The silence actually scared me. Even though I'd pushed him out, I wished Loki, even the fake one, was still there to keep the loneliness at bay. I had gotten so used to Thor being around and the other Avengers all living in the tower together. I hated being alone.
So, once I realized I wasn't getting any sleep, I arose from the bed and dressed in my armor quickly. I made my way through the halls and back to the party I had come from. I was, of course, completely invisible.
To my surprise, the God of Mischief himself had reappeared at the gathering, and he was chatting animatedly with the Grand Master. I narrowed my eyes and moved toward them, careful not to touch anyone. As I approached, I listened carefully.
"She's pretty, that girl you have." The older man spoke, and I scowled. Loki most certainly did not have me.
"Yes, she is, isn't she?" Loki grinned back, making me roll my eyes at him.
"She is yours, then?" The Grand Master questioned, craving clarification. My eyes darted to Loki, who hesitated, before nodding slowly. Even he didn't like the fire in the Grand Master's eyes.
I slowly moved toward Loki. I didn't want to be alone, and I was already here. I slowly moved my hand toward him, not wanting him to jump and expose me.
My fingertips lightly brushed the back of Loki's neck through his thick, raven hair. He tensed before leaning back into my touch slightly. A small smirk made it's way to his lips as he raised his glass to them.
"Ah, yes," he began as I moved to sit next to him on the couch/bench made of glass, "my dear Cain. Such a sweet little girl." He smirked, and my mouth dropped open as he spoke of me to the Grand Master. My face was hot as he continued.
"Darling does anything I ask, practically worships me." He swirled his drink as he spoke, and I barely refrained from shoving him off the seat.
I stood quickly and stormed out of the room, making my way back to the room I was to sleep in.

"Cain," a whisper pulled me from my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes to see Loki sitting on the edge of the bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"What, Loki?" I grumbled.
"I want to apologize for last night." The God mumbled, and I almost didn't catch it.
"You don't get to talk about me like I'm some naive little girl, understand?" I threatened, leaning in close to his face. I studied his features, he was amused, yet concerned.
"Do you think Thor is okay?" I whisper, and Loki is silent for a moment.
"I'm not sure," he bows his head. I did the same.

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now