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I began sleeping in Loki's room, and it wasn't as awkward as I believed it would be. We simply slept in the same bed, but had never had problems of hogging, touching, or talking in our sleep.
One morning about two weeks after losing Thor, Loki and I woke and sat tiredly next to one another, neither making a sound. We simply enjoyed the silence until Loki began to get up.
"Where are you going?" I asked, hopping up from my spot as well.
"I have a date with the Grand Master," he replied, making me raise an eyebrow and smirk.
"A date, huh? I didn't think he was your type," I taunted. Loki rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Tease me now, Little One, but I'm working my way up the ladder," he said, making me tilt my head to the side a bit.
"Okay first of all, we talked about the Little One shit," I pointed, making Loki grin cheekily, "second, why does it matter how close you get to the Grand Master?" I asked. Loki stopped rummaging through his things and slowly turned to me, looking like a child who had just been caught in the cookie jar. I admit, in my obviously softened state it took me a moment to realize.
"Oh," I whispered, feeling my stomach drop and tears prickle to my eyes. I wasn't usually one to cry, but the sudden realization that Loki had never planned to find Thor hit my body like a ton of bricks.
"I'm sorry, Cain," he began, stepping toward me. I backed away from him and shook my head.
"You lied to me," I said, letting it sink in before shaking my head again, tears threatening to spill. I caught a blurry glimpse of his face as I stormed past him, out of the room. He looked pained, and he deserved it.

I crept into Loki's room, sighing in relief to see he wasn't there. I quickly gathered my things then cloaked myself. I let more tears fall as I thought about how stupid I was to have trusted Loki.
I made my way through the halls and eventually found an exit. I walked out and realized I hadn't been outside in two weeks. I let my invisible self pretend to soak up the sun before I began my trek.
I walked through the trash filled planet, kicking junk out of my way. I checked over my shoulders often, making sure no one was around to see junk moving on it's own. I slowed my walk and sighed, uncloaking myself. I actually sighed in content at the feeling of the sun on my skin.
It only took a few moments for someone to find me, and they were not nice. I turned to see a large group of scary men with weapons, and let out a yelp as I disappeared. All the men shouted and began scrambling around, I assume looking for me.
I slowly back away, then began running as silently as possible.
I hadn't realized how protected I was in the Grand Master's place. To be fair, we hadn't made it in there because of Loki, it was because I got knocked out.
I scowled at the ground before hearing a noise behind me. I turned quickly to see a woman kicking junk around, much like I was. She looked sad and had a large bottle of what I could only assume was alcohol with her. She took large swigs every so often. I felt sorry for her. I could tell she was hurting, and I was, too. I felt betrayed, but it was my own fault for trusting the God of Mischief.
I shook my head and continued through the trashy planet. Eventually, I came across a ship. It was small, but enough for me to stay in for safety. A jet was clearly broken, but it didn't matter. I wasn't going anywhere on my own anyway.
Night crept up on me and before I knew it, I was alone in the dark. It grew cold and I shook, but it may have been a mixture of the weather and fear. I hated being alone.
Sometime hours into nightfall, I heard noises around me. I had stayed invisible, so I simply stayed silent, my sword in hand. I heard a muffled voice, and eventually saw a figure, blurred by the glass I was looking through. Blurred or not, I knew the lanky asshole. He eventually got close enough that I could hear him faintly calling my name.
"Cain, please!" He yelled in a whisper, "It's not safe out here!"
I was tempted to jump out of the ship and into his warm arms, but I held my ground.
"Cain, I can sense you around me." He insisted. I shuffled, as quietly as possible, but he heard. His head snapped toward me. He began to walk slowly toward the ship, a smile playing on his lips.
"Come out, clever girl," he pleaded in a whisper, emerald eyes boring through the glass. My heart leapt, but tears fell from my eyes. I had to remind myself that Loki didn't care for his brother or I, just himself.
I tightly closed my eyes, hoping he would go away, hot tears falling on my freezing cheeks.

I stood on a table at one of the nightly parties of the Grand Master. All eyes were on me. Once again, I couldn't cloak myself. I looked down and my face grew hot as I found myself to be in Loki's armor. I reached my hands up and felt the golden helmet resting on me head. I turned to my left and saw Loki in an all black suit, staring at me. However, his stare was nothing like that of the strangers around them. His stare was soft, scared, hopeful, and pasisonate, and I knew what that stare meant. He loved me. I raised a hand and brushed his cheek with it. He grabbed my head and kissed me roughly.

I jumped awake, and looked at the ship around me with wide eyes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The sun had come up and when I looked out the window, I couldn't help but let out a small sigh.
Loki sat sleeping on the ground, leaning against the ship.
He stayed so I wouldn't be alone, and even though I didn't let him know, I forgave him at that moment.
"Wake up." I kicked Loki's boot, making his eyes snap wide open. They flew to me and he relaxed, stumbling to his feet. He looked speechless for a moment as he stared at me, mouth slightly open.
"I-I am so sorry, Cain." His hands reached in front of him slightly as he spoke. I shook my head.
"You never cared about him-- or me. You only care about yourself, Loki." I croaked. He shook his head violently.
"No, Cain that's not true. I did try for the first few days, but then I realized we had no idea how fast or slow time may even be moving everywhere else. Thor could still be in the bifrost, or Hell could have demolished Asgard thousands of years ago. There's no telling. I just thought-- well we were getting along and, well..." He trailed off, then grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes, "Cain, I know you have had my brother, but... You're my best friend." He admitted softly, and my heart dropped at the confession.
It wasn't about the way he said it, nor about the fact that I knew he had never considered anyone that close to him before. No, it was about the look in his eyes.

Oh, Loki.

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now