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I slowly walked into the library. I figured Loki would be here, as I had tried his room and gotten no answer. I shuffled quietly through the shelves of books, some in alien languages, some from Earth. I could feel Loki glancing at me, and I fidgeted under the feeling, last night's dream stuck in replay in my head.
I finally found a book and made my way over to Loki. He continued to read as I sat down a few feet from him. I opened the book and began flipping through the first few pages.
"I am sorry, about last night. I didn't mean to invade your personal space." Loki sighed, making me look up at him. His eyes were on me and I grimaced under the emerald orbs that had surrounded me in my most recent slumber. I was, however, pleasantly surprised by his apology.
"Thank you, Loki. That actually means a lot," I mumbled, looking back down at my book. It was quiet for a few minutes before I spoke again.
"It's not just you," I began, closing the book and running my finger up and down the spine. "I am not an easy person to manipulate or soften." I spoke softly, looking at the book spine.
We sat for hours in a comfortable silence. The elevator dinged and a familiar blue-tinted woman stepped into the library. I let out a gentle groan and Loki chuckled, standing as Aryra approached.
I followed him up to my feet, giving Aryra a small smile as she grinned.
"Look at you two, nobody ever comes here!" Aryra spoke, clapping her hands as she gushed. Loki through an arm around me.
"Yes, well, we do enjoy the silence." He grinned, and I held back my laughter at his sarcastic tone.
"Well, I wanted to apologize for sneaking into your room last night. I was a bit altered after the festivities." She apologized sheepishly for her drunkenness. I awkwardly nodded, while Loki spoke for the both of us.
"Ah, it's no trouble at all, dear." He charmed, throwing in a dazzling smile. I wanted to roll my eyes as he flirted, but I settled for throwing in my own-- fake-- smile.
"Well, I was wondering if maybe you guys would like to go scrapping with me." She grinned like it was exciting, but at the word "scrapping" Loki and I lost any sliver of excitement we had held.
"What is scrapping?" I asked, making Loki reply.
"Scrappers are those who go out and collect things, or people, that could be useful to the Grand Master," he explained quietly. I nodded slowly, then quickly switched to shaking it side to side aggressively.
"Uh, yeah nope. Not really our thing," I decided, making Aryra's shoulders and face drop.
"Oh, well, alright. Next time, maybe?" She asked hopefully, backing into the elevator. Loki gave her some fake "oh that'd be fun" and we both sighed in relief after her departure.
"Yikes." I whispered, making Loki bust into a fit of giggles. I looked at him surprised, his face slightly red, and couldn't help but laugh a little myself.
We made our way to our rooms, and Loki stopped me before I left him at his.
"Would you like to come in? I have some things to keep us from getting too bored," he asked, and I watched his feet shuffle while he crossed his arms over his chest.
I thought out my reply carefully. I was wearing a casual romper that I had found, my armor tucked safely in a drawer in my room. However, I remembered Loki asking me when I would trust him, and I figured this was as good a start as any.
"Okay," I smiled up at him, and had clearly caught him off guard. He grinned and opened the door to his room, leading me through the doorway.
His room was simple, like mine, but bigger. I noticed his armor set on a dresser. I was drawn toward the golden helmet and stood close, tempted to touch it. However, I only admired until Loki's chest pressed against my back.
"Pretty, isn't it?" He grinned, making me jump and turn around, pushing him back a step. I cleared my throat with a warm face as he smirked.
"Yes, it is actually," I admitted, turning to get one last glance. I saw my warped reflection in the gold for a second before turning back to the God.
We stared at each other for a moment I waited awkwardly for him to show me what he had gotten, or do anything really, but he just stared back for a while. Finally it seemed to dawn on him and he his eyes widened.
"Oh! Yes, over here." He lead me to a table with chess and checkers pieces, some weird runes, multiple different game boards(some I had never seen), and other sorts of pieces of things. I thought it was somewhat cute that he had no idea what most of these things were.
"Okay, well, we could put together these pieces--" I pointed, "-- and this board and use these--" I picked up the runes, "-- sort of like dice." Loki watched me, amused.
"Whatever you say, Little Cain." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes.
"Stop calling me that." I snapped, making his smirk grow.
"You're smaller than me, it's perfectly acceptable." He crossed his arms with pride, as if he had won. My face warmed up at a rapid pace.
"Loki, don't start with me." I angrily unfolded the board and began to get the pieces together.
"Sorry," he muttered gently, making me relax.
We began playing and Loki struggled to understand the rules. I continued to explain it every time he got confused, but eventually he gave up.
"Are you going out tonight?" I asked, standing from the table as he did.
"Most likely," he shrugged, and I looked past him at the dresser.
"Hey, do you have any extra sweatpants?" I blurted, making him raise an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and shrugged, "all I have are nightgowns to sleep in." I admitted. He seemed to understand and moved toward the dresser.
"Here you go," he handed me a few pairs of sweatpants and a couple of shirts. I smiled gratefully and thanked him.
"It's not a problem, Cain. If you need anything, just ask."

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum