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I sat beside a tied up Loki, smirking at my work. Even though I wouldn't tell him, I had jumped at the chance to chain him down. Valkyrie thought it humorous.
"I thought you two were a thing," she admitted, watching me pull the chains tightly as Loki began to stir awake. I grinned up at her.
"Doesn't mean I don't enjoy tying him up," I smirked. I heard a light chuckle come from the now conscious body. He looked up at me, his hair falling into his smirking face.
"You little mynx."
I grinned slyly and the Valkyrie held out a fist. I lightly tapped my own against hers and we both turned to Loki, smirking. The woman beside me then announced that she was going to find Thor and Hulk.
I sat beside Loki, my head on his shoulder. He was surprisingly cool with the situation we were in. His head rested on mine and his black hair fell into my face, making me giggle every so often.
"Cain," Loki began softly, lifting his head so I could do the same. We studied each other's faces for a moment, and it was easy to see that he was nervous.
"Yes, Loki?" I asked softly, and he titled his head, closing his eyes and sighing.
"Stay with me, please," he whispered, and my face dropped it's small smile, "I have never loved anyone the way I love you, I couldn't bare to lose you now." He finished, a pleading look in his eyes. Tears prickled to my eyes and I looked down into my lap, taking a couple deep breaths.
My feeling for Loki had come rapidly and painfully. He was a hard person to fall for, but he caught me nonetheless; and fell for me too. For the first time, I actually thought about it. What did I have waiting for me on Earth? The Avengers were my coworkers, and yeah sure, my friends. However, would it hurt worse to lose Loki, or them? Did anyone on Earth even care that I was gone now?
Holy shit, am I actually about to do this?
I looked up to Loki slowly, tears falling from my face because, Lord I hated the trash planet, and Jesus I would miss Thor, but God I loved this man. I opened my mouth to speak, but instead Thor, Valkyrie, and Bruce walked through the door, causing us too look up at them. I quickly stood, wiping the tears from my face embarrassingly. I remembered before Sakaar, when I would've disappeared and run.
Thor nodded to me, eyeing Loki warily before picking up a tin can. He studied it for a moment in his large hand before tossing it at Loki's face. I suppressed a laugh as it bounced of and Loki let's out an "ow!"
"Just had to be sure," Thor shrugged. Loki narrowed his eyes at me playfully, and I give him an apologetic, playful pout. He grins before his eyes move past me, to Bruce. I turned to the older man and smiled, pulling him into a hug. It would probably be my last interaction with anyone from my home. He wrapped his arms around me and I couldn't help but notice he shook slightly. As we pulled away, his eyes traveled to Loki, who smirked.
"Hello, Bruce." Bruce nodded slightly, stepping closer and eyeing him.
"So, last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these days?" I rolled my eyes. Loki gave me a wink before looking back to Bruce and grinning slyly.
"It varies from moment to moment." Bruce walked over to Thor and Valkyrie.
I shook my head playfully at the mischievous god before following Bruce. I stepped over obstacles in Valkyries shithole apartment, and suppressed a giggle as Thor picked up a sword in awe.
"The famed sword of Valkyrie," I shared a look with the woman as Thor fangirled. The woman sighed and walked toward her window.
"Sakaar and Asgard as as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet is a wormhole just outside the city. Refuel on Xandar and be back in Asgard in around," she shrugged nonchalantly, "eighteen months?" Thor and I shared a look, smirking. He walked toward the window and pointed toward the large, dark wormhole in the sky.
"Nope," he piped, "we're going through that one." Valkyrie raised an eyebrow.
"The Devil's Anus?" She asked, her pitch higher than before. Bruce raised his head from whatever he was looking at and scrunched his nose.
"Wait, whose anus are we going through?" I suppressed a giggle, making my way to Thor's side to assess the wormhole.
"For the record," he throws and arm around me and hugs me close to his side, "I didn't know it was called that when I picked it." He grinned down at me, and everyone ignored the sneer on Loki's face. Bruce explained what the star seemed to be, and Valkyrie shook her head.
"We need another ship, that would tear mine to pieces." She spoke. Thor nodded and agreed. Bruce and Thor began to explain what the ship would need, and Valkyrie chimed in
"And we need one with cup holders, because we're gonna die! So, drinks!" Bruce narrowed his eyes at her.
"Do I know you? I feel like I know you." She agreed and said she felt the same. I scrunched up my nose. I supposed she'd find out eventually.
Thor asked Banner if he thought they could do it, and they high fives as Val and I stared blankly.
"We need a ship," Bruce elaborated, and Thor agreed.
"I don't mean to impose," Loki imposed, "but the Grandmaster has a great many ships. I may even have stolen the access codes to his security system." I roll my eyes playfully. Of course he did. A bottle goes flying toward Loki, narrowly missing his face and hitting the wall behind him. I turn angrily toward Valkyrie.
"Hey!" I shouted, catching Thor and Banner off guard. They didn't know the new, confrontational me. They only knew the me that would be invisible and running by this time, "you could actually hurt him, you know!" I protested, making her raise her eyebrows, looking at me sarcastically.
"Right, like he just has the sudden urge to do the right thing," she said, and she had a point. We all turned to Loki, raising eyebrows. He smiled.
"Heavens no. I've run out of favor with the Grand Master," he looked at me briefly then looked to Thor, "and in exchange for codes and access to a ship, I'm asking for safe passage." His eyes flicked to me for a moment, and he was right to look sheepish under my glare.

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now