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"Thor?" I whispered, and Loki's chest was pressed against my back as we stood. We hurriedly rushed to his brother. I resisted the urge to pull Thor into a hug, mostly because Loki was holding me tightly against his chest, but also because Thor was stuck in a chair.
"Shh. Sh." Loki shushed, getting near Thor's face, "you're alive?" He questioned quietly. I smiled widely at Thor, who looked at the way Loki held me to him with an eyebrow raised.
"Of course I'm alive." He grumbled.
"What are you doing here?" Loki snapped back, making me roll my eyes and slap his chest over my shoulder. Thor looked at him incredulously.
"What an I doing here? What are you doing here? I'm stuck in this stupid chair. Where are your chairs?" He asked, pouting slightly at the sight of us.
"We didn't get chairs." Loki shrugged, Thor looked to me and I shrugged lightly, too.
"It's true," I confirmed.
"Well, get me out of this one." Thor demanded quietly. I moved to take a step, but Loki held me in place.
"We can't," he insisted, and I sighed. Of course Loki was willing to throw his brother out to the wolves, as long as he was safe.
"Loki--" I tried to intervene.
"I've made friends with this man. The Grand Master," Loki explained, "I've gained his favor. The bifrost spit us out weeks ago." He gestured to our close figures.
"Weeks ago? I just got here," Thor denied, and suddenly the Grand Master was standing directly beside Loki and I, making me jump and Loki's arms tighten around my frame.
"What are you whispering about?" He asked, making me roll my eyes while the brothers looked startled, "time works real different around these parts. Anywhere else I'd be, like, a million years old, but on Sakaar..." He trailed off, gesturing toward himself. Loki looked to me, as if to say 'I told you so.' The Grand Master turned to Loki and I.
"In any case, you know this..." He pointed to Thor, "you call yourself Lord of Thunder?" He confirmed with Thor.
"God of Thunder," Thor smirked pridefully and looked to Loki and I, "tell him."
"I've never met this man in my life." Loki deadpanned, and I scoffed, and turned to push on his chest.
"He's my brother." Thor insisted.
"Adopted!" Loki countered.
The Grand Master looked to me, and I shrugged.
"Is he any kind of a fighter?" The older man asks, and Loki shrugs, waving his hand as if to say, "so-so."
"You take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you," Thor threatened with a wild grin.
"Now listen to that, he's threatening me," the Grand Master cooed, "listen, Sparkles," Loki's chest rumbled lightly against my back as he chuckled, "if you want to get back to this ass-place, ass-berg?" He questioned.
"Any contender who beats my champion, their freedom they shall win." The Grand Master promised.
"Fine. Then point me in the direction of whosever ass I have to kick." Thor dramaticized, making me smile. I missed the big oaf.
However, as they began to drag Thor away, Loki pulled me into his chest and into a tight hug.

"Thor's here!" I exclaimed excitedly as Loki pulled me into his room.
"Yes, but Cain, I'm worried." Loki grabbed my hand, "I've heard about this champion the Grand Master speaks of, and he's supposedly a brutal monster, indestructible." Loki insisted, and for a moment my big, green, indestructible friend from home popped into my mind.
"You think Thor will be hurt?"
"I am going to speak with him, I only hope he will listen." He sighed.

Loki's door opened, and I cloaked myself. I had been humming tunes under my breath and spinning in circles before the intruders interrupted. However, upon seeing Loki walk in and begin looking for me, I uncovered myself.
"I'm sorry, Little One. I did try." He insisted, but something told me it wasn't what he made it out to be.

So Loki and I made our way to where the Grand Master had informed us we could watch the fight from.
I watched nervously as Thor walked into the arena. Loki seemed a bit giddy, and I rolled my eyes at him. I watched Thor look around until his eyes found Loki and I, sitting on the other end of the Grand Masters couch.
I waved a little, and smiled softly. I hoped Thor wasn't upset with me for being here while he was there. However, he simply smiled back at me and waved largely, making many eyes follow his gaze to me.
I shifted uncomfortably at all the eyes on me for that split second, and Loki's grip tightened. I looked up at him and smiled softly, wanting nothing more than to kiss him as he smiled back.
Instead, I shook my head and looked back to Thor, who looked at us curiously before placing a helmet on his head, the Grand Master announcing the arrival of his beloved champion.
People cheered loudly, unable to sit still in their seats. As the Grand Master announced him, my breath hitched and when my old friend came busting through the doorway of the arena, my hand slapped to my forehead and an airy laugh left my lips.
"YES," Thor exclaimed, and I grinmex, looking up at Loki, whose face had called considerably. He stood quickly, pulling me with him.
"We've got to get off this planet," he muttered, and I furrowed my eyebrows as he began pulling me away.
"Woah," the Grand Master intercepted, "where you going? Come, sit."
We settled back in and the crowd was quiet as Thor's laughter boomed. He turned toward us and looked at the Grand Master.
"We know each other! He's a friend from work!" He grinned.
However, it was soon evident that the Hulk was not Thor's friend.

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now