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The scream was followed by a gasp.  And then an excited little squeal. The unmistakable sound of kissing could be heard. Erienne brushed off the duke's hold over her and quietly traced the sound. Royce stealthily followed. In a dim corner, they made out two bodies. The Emperor kissing the neck of Princess Reythe with vigor. Her eyes were closed, mouth agape in delight.

Erienne backed away from their spot before the two of them could be discovered. 

"You see that? You think Adrian deciding to seduce one of your ladies in waiting is a coincidence?" Royce whispered.

"He doesn't have to go and bed her. If he asked anything of her, she'd still do it."

"But, now, she has more motive. She's further enticed. Not only will she rid the kingdom from you, but she'll become empress. At least, she hopes so. And getting rid of you, fast, secures those hopes."

Erienne was silent. "I must go now. I should be moving to the Master Suites."

Royce mock bowed. "Your Imperial Majesty." Erienne rolled her eyes.

"According to Royal Weiss wedding tradition, a great ball is supposed to be thrown in three weeks. My ladies and other planners will help me throw it, as I'm sure Adrian has either forgotten or neglected the party. It's festivities start at midnight, as you know. At the eleventh hour, I want you in my chambers. You will escort me there, and from henceforth, you will be known as my lover in court."

Erienne nodded at Royce, and left with haste. Sounds between Adrian and Reythe were starting to become louder.


Punctuality was something Erienne had relished as a Samarian princess. So, she couldn't deny her pleasure at seeing Reythe, Rowen, Vera, and Taryl standing (at attention) in the white room of the Master Suites. Upon seeing her, they all dipped in impressive curtsies. "Your Imperial Majesty," they echoed.

"Good afternoon. According to protocol, as you must know, you will be staying in my half of the Master Suites alongside me. You cannot begin entertaining, let alone courting, any gentleman without my permission. You must remain dutiful and compliant to me always."

"Of course, Your Imperial Majesty," they all said. Erienne watched Reythe for any sign of discomfort. Or, any indication that she would report her affair with Adrian. Of course, there was neither. Erienne took a seat in a plush chair and gestured for the rest of them to do the same.

"Three days after a royal wedding a ball is thrown. Along with advisors, I would like for you all to help me plan it." Erienne watched Reythe's face twitch.

"I don't believe balls are usually thrown after an arranged marriage, Your Imperial Majesty," Reythe said.

"Do you now?" Erienne returned. The rest of the girls turned to look down in their laps.

"Yes, I believe so."

"No kingdom has seen an arranged marriage in the last half century. The last one produced the union of Emperor Lester and Archduchess Marh of Weiss. Three weeks following their wedding, a spectacular ball was throne in one of Weiss' best castles. This tradition has originated from arranged marriages which, may I remind you, used to be the rule. Do you not know your own history?" Reythe reddened. She looked more angry than embarrassed.

"My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty. I did not know."

"No you did not."

"Who were you planning to invite, Your Imperial Majesty?" Lady Taryl asked.

"Aside from obviously the Royal Court, I would extend the invitations to earls, counts, and barons from outside the castle. From clean blood lines. Full attendance might not be guaranteed, but every monarch and their consort from the Ten Kingdoms may attend."

"Including Samaria?" Lady Taryl asked. Erienne blinked. Why hadn't that thought crossed her mind? It would certainly make for a very exciting reunion. The mother who'd chosen her love over her country. Her son. And a father who had done the same. Though her little half-brothers wouldn't be in attendance, she almost wished they would. She couldn't wait to throw her majesty in her family's face.

"Including Samaria."

"Would the Emperor approve of such a thing?" Reythe interjected. "You really shouldn't make rash decisions without consulting him." Erienne cocked her head to the side.

"Why wouldn't he?" Erienne queried back. Reythe's complexion darkened again.

"Well, I thought the reason would be obvious."

"Oh did you?" Erienne made her voice hard. "You know, princess, you seem to love questioning me today. Spiting me. Is there a reason for that?" Reythe's eyes widened.

"I really meant no offense—"

"I seem to know etiquette, protocol and law much better than anyone in this kingdom ought to. And it's really no place for lady in waiting to question the authority of her queen. At all. Is that clear?"

"Crystal. Your Imperial Majesty." Reythe murmured. The rest of the girls looked anxious, possibly irritated. They avoided all possible eye contact. All except for Taryl. Erienne didn't miss the gleam in her eye. Was she enjoying this?

"Well." Erienne rose. The rest of them followed in a heartbeat. "I should give you time to settle in. We can discuss this more tomorrow, with advisors and real planners."

"Thank you Your Imperial Majesty," they all echoed.  After curtsying, each girl hastily left the Blue Room. All except Taryl. Instead, she closed the door and offered Erienne another curtsy.

"Your Imperial Majesty." Her voice was loud and clear.

"Yes, Lady Taryl?"

"There is something you should be made aware of."

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