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"If I may be so bold, Your Majesty, why do you want the address of this lord?"

"To visit him of course," Azriel replied. "You can do it, right?"

"Of course. You want this done discreetly, correct?"

Azriel nodded. "I'll be sure to tell you the details later. But do this for me, as soon as possible. I need the details within the hour."

Janileese curtsied before leaving the room. Azriel flopped on top of her bed and heaved a huge sigh. As soon as the breath escaped her lips, she heard a knock on the door. Azriel straightened. "Whoever is at the door must know nobody can visit the queen's chambers except the king without being invited."

"I'm not just anybody," the person behind the door replied. Azriel recognized the voice. It was Tatie.

"You're right," Azriel conceded. She could smell the smugness through the door. "You're not 'anybody.' You're nobody. No one can visit this place except my husband and those I hold dear. Don't try to take advantage of me just because I'm common. If I was a woman of noble rank you would've notified me about a visitation outside of my chambers."

"I could respect what you had to say more if you didn't speak in that ridiculous accent."

Azriel didn't answer. She flopped back into her bed, softly this time.

"You're going to want to hear this," Tatie continued.

Azriel remained silent.

"You can't command respect when you haven't earned it. You know that, don't you?"


"I came here to bargain, Your Majesty. If you refuse to trade, I have no problem leaking whatever information I have," Tatie said.

"If you came here to trade, you wouldn't give up what you had just to spite me. That would put both you and I at a loss."

Both princesses were silent for several moments.

"I'll see you on the veranda then. Fifteen minutes," Tatie said.

"That sounded like a command." Azriel paused. "Queens don't take commands."

Tatie scoffed. Azriel heard her walk away from the door. She bit her lip in frustration. It was obvious that Tatie was referring to her plotting on the verdict of the case. There was only one way she could've gotten wind of it: Selene. Why was this girl trying to blackmail her? Azriel got out of her bed and straightened her dress. She might as well see what she had to say.

When she reached the veranda, Tatie already looked comfortable. She was sitting at one of the tables, leisurely sipping a cup of tea. Instead of curtsying once she saw Azriel, Tatie bowed her head in what seemed like mock deference.

"Your Majesty," Tatie said sweetly.

"What do you want?"

"I thought a queen didn't take commands."

Azriel folded her arms. She didn't have time for this. If Tatie wanted to tattle on her, so be it. Janileese should have the address of Lord Walsingham by now. "What. Do. You. Want?"

"I know that you're going behind my dear brother's back to try and avenge some dead village boy. I have no real problem with that but-"

"----You want something. Go on, tell me what it is."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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