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Azriel wound her legs tightly around Markus' hips.

Markus gently guided a hand underneath her nightgown. "It can wait."


For two people who hadn't a pleasant conversation since their wedding day, Azriel found their passion to be dizzying. She fought the urge to shiver as his hands traced along her back.

"What was it you wanted to tell me?" Azriel whispered.

"We have a trial tomorrow. It'll be the first time you appear as queen officially to the court, besides our wedding."

Azriel already felt nerves shooting through her stomach. "What's the case about?"

"Neither the monarchs or parliament are allowed to know any details of the case before the trial begins. It's supposed to help with partiality."

"So, how does it work? Do you, me, and parliament get to vote?"

"Essentially. The Parliament consists of six members. They all vote on what they believe the verdict should be, and naturally so do I. The verdict that has the majority vote is the verdict that is carried out. You, however, do not get a vote."

"Is that because I'm consort?"

"Yes. You still serve a purpose, though."

"What's that?"

"We have twenty-four hours to deliberate before we decide what the verdict is. Your job would be-"

"----to persuade someone on the opposite side to take the position you want so the verdict you like can be carried out." Azriel finished.

Markus tapped her back appreciatively. "Exactly."

Azriel resisted the urge to sigh. She knew no one in Parliament and had absolutely no idea how to play at politics.

"It's a big job. I know it must feel like a lot, especially since you haven't had a lot of time to come into your own."

Azriel gave him a brazen kiss on the mouth. "No matter how big the responsibility is, I will always do my due as queen."


"Congratulations, Your Majesty," Janileese told the queen after her bath.

"On what?" Azriel asked, trying to hide her smile.

"You know very well what," Janileese answered, with a coy wink. Azriel playfully swatted at her. "What would you like to wear today?"

"Something really elegant. I'm going to a trial today. I want a headdress that's decorated with jewels but...tasteful. I don't want look like a commoner playing dress up. I want matching armbands too. And I want the dress to just...I want it to breathe."

"I have just the thing. And what about your make-up and hair?"

"You can slick it back into a bun. I want kohl around my eyes."

Janileese worked on her for the better part of an hour. When Azriel saw her reflection in the looking-glass, she couldn't help but smile. The woman staring back at her in white low-cut linen glittering in diamonds looked like she could take over the world.

Markus emerged from the bathroom door. Janileese dipped in a low curtsy. "Your Majesty." All he had eyes for was his wife.

"Are you ready?"

Azriel peeled herself away from the looking-glass. "Yes."

They made their way, hand in hand, from their chambers to the courtroom several floors below. Azriel noted that no one she passed looked beyond their feet. It seemed word of Hora's beating had spread throughout the palace. Azriel couldn't deny feeling heady as the giant doors to the room were opened. As they made their way to their thrones, you could hear a pin drop.

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