I can't take it anymore

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Warning: Some serious topics will include like depression, suicide and self-harm

You looked at the window when the rain pours down it's been over a week since you have a fight with Sabrina nobody was unable to help you nightmares begin to haunt you with events that happened at a party you realized that you got raped by a boy named Randy the time that he humiliated you by telling everyone that you're an lesbian.

Tears stream down across your face causing you to yourself you got up and went to the bathroom get a sharp glass and begin to cut yourself you blood gushes everywhere you wish that Sabrina was here and tell her everything but you can't Randy threatened you not to tell anyone when he raped you these flashbacks kept coming back to you.

Flashback at the party

You suddenly got drunked and someone carried you to unknown room pushed you to the bed and locked the door someone coming to you closer, starting to take off your clothes and kissed your neck you're struggled to the person off of you but failed this person was stronger than you ever thought.

You screamed for help but the person covers your mouth have that smirk across his face now you know who it is it's Randy.

"You thought your going to see the last of me? Well you thought wrong tell anyone about this and I'll do even worse to you freak." Randy threatened.

Then everything went pitch black

End of flashback

You filled the bath with water suddenly went in and begin to drown yourself like you float underwater couldn't take the pain away anymore you got out of the water and begin to scream causing the glass to break and cried.

Meanwhile, Sabrina heard you screaming it comes from the bathroom to your house she rushed to your house to find you in the bathroom she gasped when she saw the scene about what you did.

She got you out of the tub and begin to cry into her arms and saw the scars and blood she gets you a towel to dry you off and kissed your cheek kept hugging you to calm down she's really sorry that you two fight now it's time to tell her everything.

"I'm so sorry Sabrina it's all my fault I can't take it anymore I guess that I could tell you about what happened to me at the party." You said while wiping your tears.

"Y/N look at me it's not your fault now tell me what's going on? Why are you hurting yourself?" She asked.

You're so scared at first that you didn't know what to say until you spoke up a bit

"I.... was..... raped." You stuttered and begin to cry again.

"What??? Y/N Why didn't you tell me who raped you?"

"I can't tell you I'm sorry if I tell you then he's gonna hurt me again and I can't let that happened again." You yelled.

"Y/N I'm not letting anyone hurt you I'm always here to help you just please tell me who did it." She holds your hand and kissed it.

"I just can't Sabrina I'm sorry." You got up and left.

Sabrina follows you outside but you kept walking she stops at your tracks and bring you back to your house now she really wants to know who hurted you like right now.

"Y/M/L/N I'm not having this again I can't help you if you don't tell me who raped you you don't deserve anything that was happening to you I love you and I want you to get better I understand what you been going through I go through some stuff too but please let me help you." Sabrina holds your hand tightly begging for you to tell her.

You let go of her hand and runs away Sabrina grabs her bike and follow you there at the bridge you got a gun from your bag and hold it to the side of your head Sabrina dropped her bike to stop you but she backs up saw you try to kill yourself.

"Y/N please put the gun down let me help you don't kill yourself I can't lose you again I just can't." Sabrina begins to cry.

"What choice do I have Sabrina? Nobody was not there for me I'm all alone as always even you left me after you have a fight I want to die this is why I can't take this shit anymore." Sabrina gasped at those last words that you said.

"Y/N please don't do this killing yourself isn't a way to solve it you kept hurting yourself and it's not healthy I missed the old you you used to be so happy and bright and now you tried to kill yourself I can't let you do that I love you please put the gun down." Sabrina begged.

You kept holding the gun to your head and Sabrina you closed your eyes ready to shoot Sabrina runs up to you and got the gun drop it down to the ground you screamed and cried even more Sabrina stopped you from getting hurt and hugs you to calm you down.

"Why did you do it why????" You sobbed.

Sabrina kept hugging you until you calmed down she lift your chin up and kissed you on the lips not letting go you want her to be here by your side forever maybe she's right you do need help from her not wanting for this to happen ever again.

Sabrina Carpenter ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang