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It has been six months since our wedding and Alhmadulillah though we're taking Baby steps in our relationship but it's OK for both of Us.

We decided to be friends, I have moved to his room, we hug and kiss and cuddle at all times but still we have not ummm😎 you know so for your information am still virgn😝. And I called him with all lovey dovey names to the world we are the perfect and sweet couples madly in love with one another I remember every time he drove me at school some girls will be looking at us with awe while most of them will be glaring at me.

And for Aliyah and Kareem Masha Allah there relationship is awesome and am happy for them though sometimes if she talks about him I still feel a little pinch of jealousy but I still mask it with a huge smile and wish them khair. But no mater how Kareem has a little space in my heart he's my friend, my crush and my first love. But insha Allah I will try to take the remaining feeling and buried it deep inside somewhere that I would never find it.

As for my Mum we are now in contact with her, we talk, chat and even face time.

And for Saudat still she hasn't contact any of us I think she's OK living without a family.


We are presently at my In-laws house its Saturday our free day so we decided to go for wuni. We meet Aunty Jamila there she's Aunty Mami's elder sister with her daughter who is a bitch, a whore, and a spoiled brat who think she is superior than any other living creature I sooo much hate her guts and she also hate me you know why?
Bcos am married to Ahmad whom she claim she loves with all her heart.

And here she is with soo much make-up, and her fake curves infact everything about her is fake.

The moment we stepped in she ran to Ahmad and engulf him in a bone crushing hug with her annoying chipmunk's voice saying oh your welcome Baby I was thinking you are not coming (so they planned to meet here...remind me to kill him later)

What shock's me most is he didn't stop her but wrap his arms around her saying
It's nice to see you to Nadiya.
I turn my head to see aunty jamila sending me an evil smirk which shocked me but I decided to send her a wide smile which end me a scowl from her ugly face.

She drag him into the room ignoring me totally at that moment you know what I feel?
Well I feel loneliness, I missed my parents, and I feel worthless. I thought he care, and I thought he's loyal but he hug this bitch in front of me forgetting about my existence its a hard slap on my face which makes my heart squeeze.

Hey Baby sister In-law Amir said coming, into the room I looked up at him and pout I'm your sister In-law not baby In-law I reply sending him a playful glare. We went in together with him and I sat on the centre carpet showing respect and greeted them "Ina wuninku mama"


That's what both of them said and continue with their chat.
Ahmad and Nadiya are in the kitchen I can only hear there laughs. Which made my blood boil but what could I do?

Minutes later I started charting with Amir he's telling me about the date he went yesterday with a girl. Let me tell you Amir has over 30 girlfriends I swear he doesn't know the names of most of them he just called them Baby. And the stupid girls love him bcoz he's a hottie.

Our little chart is caught off by Aunty jimilas harsh words saying

Farida how comes you are not pregnant and you have been married for over half year are you sure you are not barren or may be you have been taking pills you know to prevent you from being pregnant huh?

Or don't tell me you're not over that boy are planning on going back to him?

The room went silent everyone's eyez were on Me. Even Ahmad is now sitted in the living room with Nadiya at his side.

No Aunty am not taking any thing.

OK that proves that you are barren then

Aunty please stop with all this drama why are you doing this?

Shut up!Amir!!!

Have you forgotten that Aunty jamila is my sister and she's also like a mother to you Aunty Mami said sending a glare to him

Kyalesa Mami tun ba yau ba dama nasan yaron nan baida kunya, ba kullum suna tare ba ai dole ta batasa yarinya ba tarbiya ba kamun kai.

I can't take this anymore, I look up at Ahmad to see him looking at me with blank expression.

Ya Allah I can't take this anymore and I don't want to cry in front of them but my heart keep twisting and the pain is unbearable I close my eyez take a deep breath and relax while reciting "innalillahi wa inna ilaihir rajuuun"

So let me tell you, you better stop whatever you're doing cos we want a grand child but if can't then I guess we have another plan. She ends her speech with a hard glare.

Yaya what kind of husband are you? You can't even protect your wife? Huh what a shame Amir said glaring at Ahmad and you, he point at Nadiya you better stop hitting on someone's husband cos he will never be with a slut like you!
With that he storm's out of the room.

"Ya salam" mami kinajin abnda danki ke fada? Nadiyan ce karuwa?

With that she started shading crocodile tears and cursing Amir while Aunty Mami continue to comfort her.
Fatee let's go that's all Ahmad have said and left the room without paying attention to his crying Aunty and his Mum.

"Sai anjimanku"

That's all I said and follow him out but not missing what Nadiya said "tsinanniya".

I know it has been long since I updated but insha Allah I will try to update as much as possible.

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